First time growing in 10 years, tell me what you think of my setup

Here is my new drainage system for my HumCo setup. It took me a couple trips to Home Depot to get all the correct stuff and I have a shitton of unused fittings to return. I still need to build a stand for this since I don't want the drainage system to break when I fill the setup up with water. The design went through a couple iterations as I am not a plumber and had to figure this shit out as I went, but I think I am happy with it. I installed one sprinkler solenoid to release all of the water down into the 3/4 inch final pipe that has an adapter that I can hook my water pump to so I can suck all of the water into my lifting system which will bring it all the way upstairs to my bathroom. I will post more pics tomorrow after I build the stand.

I hope this works....:?:


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Hey berk....Awesome grow, havent followed it, but just stumbled across it and kind of glanced over everything..... Looks awesome. i wanna get into doing a DWC setup, the system you have looks pretty badass. Why are you installing a drainage system? is it so everything can recirculate. What are your overall thoughts of it. I was looking at the Titan flo-n-grow set up but this looks more up my alley. Another quiestion, (sorry if youve allready addressed it) how big was the footprint from your four buckets. See I am going to be jumping up from a 2-1000w set up to a 4-1000w set up. Im thinking about doing the 12 bucket system.... would it be possible to configure it in a 4 rows of 3 set up or are you stuck with the 6 rows of 2? just pickin your brain........the grow looked awesome, happy for ya brotha.
Hey berk....Awesome grow, havent followed it, but just stumbled across it and kind of glanced over everything..... Looks awesome. i wanna get into doing a DWC setup, the system you have looks pretty badass. Why are you installing a drainage system? is it so everything can recirculate. What are your overall thoughts of it. I was looking at the Titan flo-n-grow set up but this looks more up my alley. Another quiestion, (sorry if youve allready addressed it) how big was the footprint from your four buckets. See I am going to be jumping up from a 2-1000w set up to a 4-1000w set up. Im thinking about doing the 12 bucket system.... would it be possible to configure it in a 4 rows of 3 set up or are you stuck with the 6 rows of 2? just pickin your brain........the grow looked awesome, happy for ya brotha.

Thanks, I am installing the drainage system because of two reasons: when the plants get big they are too heavy and awkward to move without breaking something or having a panic attack because I was worried I was going to break something AND I have a bad back so this system plus my lifting station setup should hopefully allow me to drain the entire system while carrying no more than 1 gallon of water upstairs.

The HumCo system already recirculates the water so this is just for drainage.

I am pretty sure if you contact HumCo, they will put it in whatever configuration you want. I know they do inline and side by systems so why not rows? I also know they do custom ones so give them a call. Here is their website:

Good luck and keep it green.
Test it with water and see how it does!! It doesnt look too stable resting on top of the PVC. Might want to get or add better support. I could be wrong which isnt surprising at all! lol
I don't know what to do, I do want to test it but I should wait until I build the stand. But if it doesn't work I will have to tear everything apart. Fuck it, I am going to test it with a gallon of water. That shouldn't be too much to break it.
I don't know what to do, I do want to test it but I should wait until I build the stand. But if it doesn't work I will have to tear everything apart. Fuck it, I am going to test it with a gallon of water. That shouldn't be too much to break it.
Hey stupid I wread berry vel, you still havent tested it with water....hahaha So go test it with water and then slam your testicles in your door after your done.
The exhaust fan for the light is a closed circuit that pulls in fresh air from outside the tent and exhausts it back outside the tent.

The fan hooked up to the carbon filter is the only exhaust fan for the tent. I keep both intake and exhaust on the same speed setting to maintain even pressure on the tent.

Are the exhaust and intake for the hood both coming and going from the same window?

Hello RIU,

I haven't attempted to grow anything for about 10 years and this is the first time I am working with deep water culture. My setup is:

  • 5 x 5 Secret Jardin grow tent
  • 1000 watt lamp with digital balllast
  • Vented reflector
  • 6" Max-Fan ventilation fan
  • Wall mount circulation fan
  • 4 bucket HumCo hydroponic system
  • 1/10 HP water chiller (water temperature is @ 68 degrees)
  • Thermometer/Hygrometer (air temperature is @ 78-80 degrees with light on, Relative Humidity is @ 30-45%)

I still need to pickup a carbon filter but I think I have pretty much everything else covered. I am using House and Garden's AquaFlakes A & B nutrient solution. I appreciate any feedback since I haven't done this for a while and wasn't all that successful back then anyway.
How tall is your tent? I forgot is it 7 or 8 feet or 6 1/2?
Hey stupid I wread berry vel, you still havent tested it with water....hahaha So go test it with water and then slam your testicles in your door after your done.

Well I just tested it and it was pretty much a complete failure. The sprinkler solenoid doesn't seem to stop the water from flowing when powered off and also doesn't let it flow freely when powered on. What a piece of shit!! I have two of them and they are both doing the same thing. I will go back to Home Depot and try another brand. The reason I got this brand is because it's smaller and I thought I would need the smallest one but I have some space so I will try another brand and probably talk to someone there who knows a little something about sprinkler systems. I thought I could do this on my own but I guess it's time to seek help. Oh, I had one minor leak and I think that's pretty good for a novice plumber. The leak is coming from a swivel adapter that I will replace. Oh well, I didn't think I was going to get this one right on the first try so I am not all that disappointed. I will get it right eventually. I know this can work.
Sounds like you need a Flux Capacitor!!!

I want to drain my system not ride it into the future. :lol:
but if u ride into the future u would have already emptied the buckets. lmfao. i love being baked.

oh berkman ur pk was a hit with the guys at the hydro store. lmao. :)

and BC u forgot the trim to make the iso.
you two sound like your married.....bahahah Ironically when i clicked the link i realized the company Humco is located maybe like 10 Mins from my house. I live in South Lake Tahoe and a good friend of mine lives on the same road, they must build the systems out of the house... Small world, I'm gonna give them a ring tmrw. What do you think of this, my tent is going to be an 8x8x6'7 so realistically a 12 bucket system is too much. I am hell bent on fitting 4-1000s in there, just gotta vent the shit out of it. I wanted to do a sealed tent and add CO2 but im realizing its not possible without burning everything up so it must be vented. If you have a 5x5 and are only running 1-1000w and a 4 bucket system, Im doubting if my plan will work....I think itll be a little much.. In your opinion, what would be the max i should put in there as far as lights and/or DWC buckets. I just wanna pull the most out of the space I can work with, which is an 8x8.....however if i scrap the tent and just blow up the room since i wont be doing co2, it goes to a 9.5x12....much more room........allready bought the tent tho :(
I think you can fit (4) 1000 watts in your 8x8 but you are correct, you will need a massive venting system and it will be pretty cramped in there, but I still think you can do it. Now, whether it's a wise decision remains to be seen. ;-)

You can still run CO2 if you separate the light and tent cooling systems. I have done the same thing in my 5x5 so I don't know why it wouldn't scale up properly to fit in your 8x8.