First time growing need help smokaz help me out


Active Member
Hey smokaz just wanna introduce myself i been smoking for a long time all types of dro just like every one in here my thing is this few questions i wanna ask i read alot of things in here that so far has help out so lets start
1. i got fox farm soil ocean forest
2. wat is the best light for 2 to 3 plants , or lets put it this way how much light can each plant get on the watts ??? 50 w, 100w or wat .
Im ordering products from fox farm like liquid fertilizers im gettin 3 Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom . I hope thats all i need .
3.I stared germination yesterday so im waiting for them to sproud.
4. When i plant them do i need light right away to the soil and how many watts like i said im a new guy lol please help me out guys.
Im puttin them in a cabinet its pretty big . From when i plant them i know i gotta water them a lil bite right ??? After that how often do i water the plant.
5.So i hear all types of lights but wat would it be for me can i just go home depot and buy some wat i wanna know is wat kind cfl's or flourosent ?? Just to start do i keep the same watts when it gets bigger and bigger or go a lil higher on the watts . I would love to make buddys in here to just to smok up ya digg and talk about smoking storys lol . Let me know like i say im new so sorry for been a lil lame on this for yall pro's lol i hope i get good at it . holla back playas

p.s dont got to much loot to spend on the lights lets keep it on the budget how many should i get thanks oh how do i post pics so i can keep record or on track with you guys
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Active Member
You should grab as cheap as flouros as you can then. When it is starting out one little bulb is good enough. You want the blue spectrum or cool white for the veg. Warm or red spectrum for flower. I think you can even get those fancy full spectrums too but that isn't really necess and they cost more. Yeah you wanna increase watts as you go. Need to make sure the seeds stay atleast damn while they are starting out too much water aint gonna help just keep them damp seedling needs to break from the shell. if you put it about a half inch from top of soil you should be fine no fert for a few days and even then it is risky and should be done in small amounts. If you actually end up with 3 females plants you need shit loads of light. But start out slow and build the setup as the plant needs, then see what you got and need when it comes times.


Active Member
thanks man well like i said i aint no pro but would love to get their , anyhow ill stay posted to see if u or anybody have some time to hook me up with some tips on that grow love this site is great !!!!!!:joint:

Has anybody bought seeds from nirvana so im guessing im going to buy some to i would like to get some good shit lol love white widow , ppp, and that kush so i hope everything goes well thanks guys alot


Active Member
ok guys i bought just one cfl light for one plant i have a 27 w that equales 100 w so i hope thats ok for vegitation to make it grow im just starting so thats wat i got so far . Im waiting for my liquide fertalizers to come wich i already told yall wat im getting let me see wat happens will stay post it . Oh is that fine for one plant the lumenes is 1300 so i guess is ok ??? let me know guys