First time growing need help


Well-Known Member
from what i've read , its less heat, so this first couple of days ill go with cfls, now i have four arround 200 watt, so im gonna get a couple more of the yellow ones, even do their hard to get here their way cheaper than in the states, but again hard to get


Well-Known Member
I tell you, if you ever come across those envirolites. Those things seem to work really good for only being CFL.


Well-Known Member
400 watts of cfl is greater or less heat than 400 watts of hps?
damned if i know, cmon MR. GANJA you should know this! I assume it all depends how on how ur setup is. I def assume if you a have a 400 hps vented out of the room it would be as cool if not cooler than the 400 watts of cfl. i have no clue if 10 42/46w cfls put out more heat. i would assume the hps puts out more heat but is MUCH more easily ventable than the clf. I have no expierence on the issue but i have cfls in every socket to light my house. dont take this as gospel casue i am fucking drunk/stoned during this post. :hump::hump::hump::blsmoke::joint:


Well-Known Member
has anyone try this strain im growing from Buy Dutch Seeds, Ice and Haze19 x Skunk, i also got some blueberry and brainstorm that coming to me in a month


Well-Known Member
well people, i cloned today and it wasn't pretty, it was my first time, i was nervous like hell, sweeting and everything feeel like surgeon, i took 8 clone from my 4 plants, and put them in aeroponic system with some neoprene inserts i bought on ebay a couple of weeks ago, so i'm hopping for the best, i used some liquid rooting compound and some anti-wilt spray, so i'm hoping for the best, lets see if they survive


Well-Known Member
I'm so stoned i forgot to say i also changed my lil plant that was in the system to a homemade DWC bucket, just for her so she can grow big, she was getting really damage from ligght def, so lets if she gets better, i'll be posting some new pic 2morrow so keep coming back

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
well people, i cloned today and it wasn't pretty, it was my first time, i was nervous like hell, sweeting and everything feeel like surgeon, i took 8 clone from my 4 plants, and put them in aeroponic system with some neoprene inserts i bought on ebay a couple of weeks ago, so i'm hopping for the best, i used some liquid rooting compound and some anti-wilt spray, so i'm hoping for the best, lets see if they survive

congrat! that wilt spray is some great stuff.... keep us posted!!



Well-Known Member
I don't know squat about hydro but by what I've read in your thread you are doing a hell of a job keeping them alive.

congrat! that wilt spray is some great stuff.... keep us posted!!

Where can one pick up some of this spray? besides the internet, I'm having a hard time with cloning and can use all the extra help I can get.

I do hope you have better success than I'm having with cloning, by you keeping your plants alive thus far with what supplies you have gathered, I think you will have no problems cloning.

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
i "tried" to clone my plants with some b.s. rooting solution from wal-mart, needless to say my clones didnt root. but they stayed unwilted, perked up, and green for almost a week b4 i tossed them cause no roots had developed whatsoever. I think the humidity alone on my humidity dome kept them alive.


Well-Known Member
well my friends my clone are looking really nice, just one wilted adn its almost dead, luckly i have another one of that pant, the little one in the new DWC system is doing good, my big plants are doing good in their 3rd day of flowering,some fan leaves are dying but from what i've read its not a big deal, so here are the pcics hope u like them,

these first ones are from my clone and the little one


Well-Known Member
good job man....looks good just make sure u whatch your water when you get them that big they start drinking a lot my first time i didnt even check and it was bone dry (first time hydro). too funny but good work with just some cfls.


Well-Known Member
so here are the pcics hope u like them,

these first ones are from my clone and the little one
Brain fart eh! your plants are looking good, I'm very impressed how well you are doing keeping them alive with what you've got to work with, keep up the great job!


Well-Known Member
Brain fart eh! your plants are looking good, I'm very impressed how well you are doing keeping them alive with what you've got to work with, keep up the great job!

thanks for all the nice words, i'm doing my best, but i'm having lot dificulty with them, cuz i almost dont have space, but the good news is a got a cabinet im gonna turn into a flowering chamber lets see how it works out


Well-Known Member
hehehheheheeh almost there gonna be ready fro x-mas, so new years eve gonna be some good smoke arround, i'm tired of this place weed is always swag, i gotta go to the states if i want to smoke some crib weed, figure that out


Well-Known Member
so people i found a plastic cabinet im gonna turn into a flowering chamber, its perfect, its arround 2 feet wide by 14 innches deep and 6 feet tall, on the inside, i think my system would fit lovely there, just gotta get a HPS light, with aircooled reflector, some 6" fans, an a couple of other things, so ur advice would be greatly apreciated