First time growing what stage is this plant and what are some natural home nutrients (supposed to be northern lights)? Any help is greatly appreciated


New Member
I have about $30 total into this mainly the soil and light....


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What soil is that and why is the plant halfway down the pail? Repot with some more soil + perlite. A lot of people recommend Fox Farm brand.
Looks to be about 3-4 weeks into veg period. Surprised it isn’t stretching more with your cheap light set up (no offense on the back-handed compliment). I’d top that new node that’s growing and start some LST, even though it’s pretty late for that. Also, invest in some better lights and soil. You can transplant into higher grade soil now and not need to feed her anything until you start the flowering process in which you will need to feed bloom boosters. Make sure you add a good amount of perlite to your new mix if you decide to go that route, will save you some headaches and helps for when you need to flush the soil.
First, congratulations, I believe you have made the longest title in RIU history LOL!

A word of advice, read up on what all the experienced growers are doing rather than trying your own methods. There are proper ways to grow, and an infinite number of ways to screw it up. So many times new growers try their own thing and then post questions about all the problems they're experiencing.

If you're very new to growing, which it sounds like you are, head over to the website and learn up.
Also, in spite of the GrowWeedEasy website name, growing weed is not easy. There's a lot to learn, from seed/clone to smoke, especially if you're growing inside. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort, because if you half-ass it, you're ultimately end up with low yields and potency, if you even make it through a grow without a failure.

So if you're not willing to put in the time to learn, just buy it. Its a shit ton of work, growing weed. It gets easier as you get experience, but its still work.
Congratulations on your first grow!

"What stage is this plant?"
This plant is in the vegetative stage. It's difficult to know how old it is because growing conditions dictate how quickly they grow. That's kind of a strange question. Did you plant it? Have you read about and do you understand the difference between vegetative and flowering growth?

"What are some natural home nutrients?"
Likely the number one "home nutrient" is compost. Garden compost, worm compost and kitchen compost are all excellent choices. The problem is, these all take time and preparation. Other choices include things like compost teas and teas brewed from other plants. Again, these take time.''

It sounds like you are on a budget. If you are concerned about staying organic, it's easy to go to the big box store, garden center, or local hardware store and find bagged organic fertilizer. For a first grow, you can probably get by with tomato fertilizer. See if you can find Espoma Tomato Tone.

@JSB99 has given you some excellent advice. People have been growing weed for thousands of years. There's no need to reinvent this process.

Growing good weed in soil is easy and yes, it is possible to do it on a low budget. But it's a long game, there are very few good shortcuts. You have to be willing to study, pop some seeds (or clone), grow them out and learn from your mistakes.
Ok guys thanks to all your help and criticism I took into perspective and well here u go spent 35 on some fox farm nutrients and well here u tell me and by the way same setup same same light same soil just nutrients add is all.


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So give them fox farm nutes I
wouldn't go full strength to start but I don't really do soil much. I would have just transplanted to better mix but U can do later
Simple mix .some good potting mix, some perlite and or compost/worm castings/cow manure. I add some cut up fresh fish towards the bottom of mine but I'm growing in 200 litres/50gall
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