OOOH Yikes! I'm not sure how much it will affect final yield but those fan leaves are what give energy to your bud sites. Are you still in the vegetative phase? If so, I'd wait for some fan leaves to grow back before sending it into flower.2 days after I stupidly cut off my larger fan leaves because I thought they were blocking my future bud sites from needed light. Upward growth has slowed very much, but lower sites are finally getting the light they needed and are doing great. What damage to my final harvest did I cause?
Nice! I wanted a 400 but my landlord's always on my ass about the electricity. My area's only 2 square feet so it's plenty adequate.Hydrofarm Sunburst 400watt though. I was going to go with the 250 but my space is 15 square feet and the 250w wouldn't quite cut it.
What's your pH? What type of nutes are you using? Are the leaves turning brown?What does extreme curling down of my top fan leaves mean? How do I combat it?
Oh my bad, I misread your post. I think sulphur will work. Have you tried doing a search for pH problems?Dolomite lime will raise the ph that isn't what I need right now. My ladies are dying CAN ANYONE HELP!