First Time Growing


Active Member
I was told that i am suppose to keep the light on 24/7 when it is developing in the begining stages when it roots. Am i suppose to do that or do they need a no light period


Active Member
okay well for optimum growth you should use 18 hours of and 6 hours of darkness. i find my plants do more growing in the dark then in light. the 18/6 for the vegetative stage. then hit up 12/12 for flowering.


Active Member
Ok as the days go buy i am now seeing that my plants are looking skinny and brown what can i do to perk them back up. all there doing is laying on the ground and looking dead. Where the begining of where the root is it looks skrawny and dead like what do i need to do. God these things are hard to grow.


Active Member
uh that sounds like a dead plant mate.
are you kidding? hard to grow? its a weed man. it will grow without much work. give it another try. you may have just had some bad luck


Active Member
damn i know it shouldnt take so much but god its hard for me since i dont know what im doin heres some pics.Also i got a new lamp. So i now have 2 CFL that are the blue tint for daylight look. 1 cfl with a orange tint. 2 long florecents that is blue.



Active Member
well your soil looks really wet, almost muddy. how often do you water? those little babies look dead. or just about to pass.

i would work on your set up alittle bit man. those boots are not a solid choice. make a box or something. or at the very least make a small frame to hang your light from. something. you'd hate for a light to fall into your garden


Active Member
I water atleast twice a day. One in the morning and one at night i use a spray bottle of water. How much am i suppose to use> for the light issue i am going to work on something soom for them


Active Member
okay well that is most likely why they died! as seedlings they need a bit of water but let your soil get a little dry before you water. as well as water soil also needs to BREATH. its not a swamp it's a garden. for your next seeds you need to water much less. stick your finger in the soil and see if it is still moist. it needs to be moist not soaked tho.


Active Member
hmm thats a big issue for me now lol. What place would u recomend to get good seeds from i want to get a good blend and not unkown shit. I have a couple that are not dead yet so i will try to just let them sit. I need to make sure that the soil is moist and not dry correct.


Active Member
ya but not a swamp. i usually let my soil dry out considerably while their seedlings. every two day or so, just whenever the soils dry. just listen to what your girls tell you. just a little squirt from a bottle.
as far as buying seeds i have never done so, im surrounded by BC chronic so i can always get good bag seed.


Well-Known Member
You need to dry those seedlings out - I believe the term is damping off or root rot caused by overwatering and high humidity if I'm recalling correctly. I've done the same thing to veggie seedlings I've started indoors before with too much watering.

Good Luck - I hope they can recover.


Well-Known Member
water only once a day tops for seedlings only a couple tablespoons worth u need more light. How much do u have to spend on lighting? Looks like u couldent wait to get started. if ur going w/cfl get the 26 watt daylight bulbs at least but try for the bigger ones 43 watt aim so ur getting 3 bulbs per plant for best results and chill on the water


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you might be overwatering the plants if there is a spot on the stem that looks pinched and dark, especially if it's near the ground. Weak light makes them stretch and get leggy. I use Pro Mix for starters as rich mixes tend to burn the seedlings, I also don't water from the top, instead I water into the tray under the plants and don't leave any excess in the tray after a few minutes of soaking. Too much love kills faster than not enough