First Time Growing!!

i run 24/7 everyone has opinions about it and there own personal favorite... i never tried anything else... id imagine 20/4 would be what i went with if i had a timer for veg ...sumtimes my plants look a lil sleepy and get dry .. never hurt anything tho and they grow pretty fucking fast imo
u want the roots to chase the moisture to the bottom of the cup...for faster growth... if they are gitting water were they are already at they arent in any rush to search for water and grow thats why u should wait to water till ur almost dry
once u see a few 2-3 roots poking out each of ur drain holes its time to transplant , atleast thats what i do ... if u only have one drain hole maybe wait 2 or 3 days after u see a couple roots in it to make sure u got good rooting every where ...
I will def water them tomorow then when it's bone dry. I did read somewhere that oxygen is just as important as water too. And I feel as if the plants get a lil sleep it won't hurt them hopefully benefit lmao but again everyone has there opinions on this so I guess whatever suites the plants needs lol.
no i think sleep is good for them time to accumulate what they need ... my plants sweat alot so i know they are drinking and using alot of energy with no break to build up a storage of what they need...they are just working to the max....i dont sleep either we will sleep when we harvest lol
me 2... this is my 4th first three was will bagseed and clones.... they all hermed and last run self pollenated and 4 weeks into flower i was full of fucking seeds they where super bushy and in a dwc tank and i didnt have alot of space in my room so it was hard to really get in there and into the middle of the plant....anyways i found a couple pollen sacks on the top of my res.... my air circulation is awesome by the way cuzz every plant and every pistil was pollenated from 3 sacks....i was sick... but i had good seeds already bought and germed so i trashed it all and im in day 10 of flower in soil this time... and its awesome
fast..imo... like i said sumtimes i feel they are tired but they are constantly growing ... i havent had any problems at all soil is awesome and so much easier for a beginner then hydro...
20150918_214044.jpg 20150918_214119.jpg 20150918_214010.jpg i feel like im a week ahead of a 18/6 schedule grower at the end of three weeks .lol...i dont know for sure tho this is me in week 2 from first 1 finger leaf this was two days ago they are bigger now ill post pics tommorow
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Oh man seems like you went through hell spending all that time but I bet all that time was really a useful learning experience and now it's finally paying off congrats! I just want to even get my plant to that stage to even know if it's a male or female lol
This is a bought feminized seed from a seed bank and my second seedling which just sprouted is a bag seed from some Purp so Im hoping lol You have had zero success with bag seeds so far? And your plants look great what soil you using ?
0 luck with bag seed... i think 3 of the plants in my 6site dwc were female but when the one hermed and grew a pollensack it just blew it all through the plants.... i use Fertilome ultimate.... it contains perlite , dolomite,peat moss and sum ionic oxygenating shit... its the shit, i never ph i use str8 tap water and just started feeding light nutes the day of this pic actually (fox farms trio , calmag,) and one dose of superthrive when i transplanted....
i have plants 11 days in flower also in this soil and 3 weeks veged , they are loving life buzz light gear strain popped all kinda pistils and i just had my first lollipopping experience today lol .... she is a 75 day flower so i still have a long ways to go
That's awesome I will def check that out. I will be using the Dyna grow and bloom on this girl and I'm using just normal reverse osmosis water. Glad to hear someone's using just tap water lol In my case it's just a sit and wait game