First time high, scared as shit to do it again



So I smoked my first time from a bowl, didn't do much. Everything was a bit more colorful and I had a little bit of giggles, but I was not high. Yesterday I smoked for the second time, I shared a big fat joint with my bro. Holy Fuck that was the worst experience of my life. I was cold as shit, dizzy as fuck, everything was choppy and lagged as hell and I threw up a ton. I'm lucky to have my friend here helpin me, he fuckin saved me lol. So I'm scared to smoke again, is it normal for something like this to happen? It was absolutely terrible. It was cool for about 30 seconds and then it crashed and sucked. Wasnt paranoid, I was just VERY dizzy and sick and felt like I was watching a 3rd person game except it was my life.


Well-Known Member
So I smoked my first time from a bowl, didn't do much. Everything was a bit more colorful and I had a little bit of giggles, but I was not high. Yesterday I smoked for the second time, I shared a big fat joint with my bro. Holy Fuck that was the worst experience of my life. I was cold as shit, dizzy as fuck, everything was choppy and lagged as hell and I threw up a ton. I'm lucky to have my friend here helpin me, he fuckin saved me lol. So I'm scared to smoke again, is it normal for something like this to happen? It was absolutely terrible. It was cool for about 30 seconds and then it crashed and sucked. Wasnt paranoid, I was just VERY dizzy and sick and felt like I was watching a 3rd person game except it was my life.
one hit. just take one hit. then wait ten minutes. then see how you feel.


Well-Known Member
So I smoked my first time from a bowl, didn't do much. Everything was a bit more colorful and I had a little bit of giggles, but I was not high. Yesterday I smoked for the second time, I shared a big fat joint with my bro. Holy Fuck that was the worst experience of my life. I was cold as shit, dizzy as fuck, everything was choppy and lagged as hell and I threw up a ton. I'm lucky to have my friend here helpin me, he fuckin saved me lol. So I'm scared to smoke again, is it normal for something like this to happen? It was absolutely terrible. It was cool for about 30 seconds and then it crashed and sucked. Wasnt paranoid, I was just VERY dizzy and sick and felt like I was watching a 3rd person game except it was my life.
Haiz Pepperful :D My first time getting high was similar actually. Granted that was 10 yrs ago, but I still remember it perfectly. The human body does build up more of an "immunity" to THC later. Some peepz need more and some peepz need less. It all depends on the effect you're looking for. Different kinds of MJ have different highz. The dizziness and vomiting shouldnt happen again. Pace yourself and see what your body likes! Cheerz


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it was just mj in that joint? Wow, thats a bad trip bro! Ive never gotten like that, I only get headaches when I smoke too much, lol!


Well-Known Member
First time I got stoned I ate a large pizza then took a bath fully gets a lot better, pace yourself. Don't smoke dirt weed


K I'll try a little next time. And it's pretty dank shit, it's from my bro and he know's what's up. Thanks for the feedback


Well I tried again from the oneie (spelling?) my bro got me. I didn't even finish it and I'm sick and dizzy still an hour and a 1/2 later, not nearly what I was last night but this is not fun. I extremely doubt it's laced, my bro smoked the same joint with me and he was fine.

Is it possible I just can't smoke? My mom is an extreme lightweight too.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the joint had some of that fake shit in it? All the legal weed stuff gets sold around here as weed to people who dont look very hard. and it fucks your shit up in a bad way just like you described.

the first time I was high I was happy as applesauce :) I kept screaming IS THIS WHAT ITS LIKE EVERYTIME?!?!!?!?!!? And everything was a cartoon and I couldnt stop giggling for the life of me. I saw elephants and giraffes dancing when I closed my eyes lol Ahhhhhhhh..... the good times man lol

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Well I tried again from the oneie (spelling?) my bro got me. I didn't even finish it and I'm sick and dizzy still an hour and a 1/2 later, not nearly what I was last night but this is not fun. I extremely doubt it's laced, my bro smoked the same joint with me and he was fine.

Is it possible I just can't smoke? My mom is an extreme lightweight too.

you are one funny dude! maybe try a different type of smoke.

Fire One Up

Active Member
if you took a hit off a joint he smoked it'd probably go alot easier on ya ;)
build up your tolerance ;) you'll be smokin 2 joints in the morning in no time
As much as I love smoking trees and believe in the power of healing, Cannabis isn't for everyone! Some people are simply (and unfortunately) allergic to it. The vomiting could definitely be a sign. And perhaps smoking it is just too overwhelming for you. If you still want to give it another go, try ingesting it with like, CannaButter or something. Brownies, Cheesecakes, Cereal Bars, the list is endless... Hope it works out for ya ;)


Well-Known Member
So I smoked my first time from a bowl, didn't do much. Everything was a bit more colorful and I had a little bit of giggles, but I was not high. Yesterday I smoked for the second time, I shared a big fat joint with my bro. Holy Fuck that was the worst experience of my life. I was cold as shit, dizzy as fuck, everything was choppy and lagged as hell and I threw up a ton. I'm lucky to have my friend here helpin me, he fuckin saved me lol. So I'm scared to smoke again, is it normal for something like this to happen? It was absolutely terrible. It was cool for about 30 seconds and then it crashed and sucked. Wasnt paranoid, I was just VERY dizzy and sick and felt like I was watching a 3rd person game except it was my life.

Let me first say, I'm not attacking you.. or bashing you or anything else. Just curious is all..

how old are you man? Your first time smoking a bowl?



Well-Known Member
So I smoked my first time from a bowl, didn't do much. Everything was a bit more colorful and I had a little bit of giggles, but I was not high. Yesterday I smoked for the second time, I shared a big fat joint with my bro. Holy Fuck that was the worst experience of my life. I was cold as shit, dizzy as fuck, everything was choppy and lagged as hell and I threw up a ton. I'm lucky to have my friend here helpin me, he fuckin saved me lol. So I'm scared to smoke again, is it normal for something like this to happen? It was absolutely terrible. It was cool for about 30 seconds and then it crashed and sucked. Wasnt paranoid, I was just VERY dizzy and sick and felt like I was watching a 3rd person game except it was my life.
Too funny.. Thats how salvia is for me. When I went on probation years back and got off and smoked after not smoking for a year I know the choppy feeling, I was like WTf, and then smoked another bowl hour later, and it was like I never stopped, felt normal again..