First Time Hydro Water Culture Grow


Well-Known Member
And for all those who care I have finished setting my FTP upload of constant image.
Check out my profile on here, it will always be there.

Oh yea, and I installed a new sound card in my computer and now it provides my box with constant sound flow separate from my main sound card that is used for music, movies, game and what not.
This allows me to use windows media player to run a huge playlist of reggae beats to the Beatles and more that I would want my plants to "groove" to.
The speaker is facing down on top of my grow hood.
Rock out with ma plant out!!!
-Mr Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
Oh and farmer ike, I put the cam in focus for now. Don't want my digi cam in there 24\7
And it is a view from above cause the mounts i have for it are higher up. it will look better when it grows older.


Well-Known Member
Ok well here's an update on what's goin on.
I got thinking about if my plant will be male or female and wanted to start another one just in case. And if they are both females and my friend's plant is a male I will give him one. And if all of our 3 are female i will grow two together but rather not so we will see how it all turns out.


Well-Known Member
sweet I want to do a hydro grow for my first grow but I figure why not start with CFLs so if it doesn't work out at first then I didn't set up the hydro all for nothing


Well-Known Member
loves me some white widow. wanted to do a widow x bubblicious cross. what ya think, both white strains

And an update for those who care:
Have switched lights from 24\0 to 20\4
And will probably stay that way for another week or two
Wanting to try a micro type grow and see how bubblicious takes to that
Would like to place 4 plants in this box instead of just one or two
I know webcam footage isn't all that great but this cheap cam is doin the best it can with how bright it is and the white reflective doesn't make it easier for it to adjust the lighting.
-Mr Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
So I built a Carbon scrubber from a pringles can, some pillow fluff and activated carbon. i will have high res photos up manyana of the babies and the scrubber. It seems to work alright, air flow is cut by half from the out take but I might add another out take and another carbon filter if heat is increased because of this.
-Mr Nice GUY


Active Member
hey good luck wit ur grow i wil be following i got pics in my journal to lil set up in my closet.well good luck


Well-Known Member
Alright I didn't take picture of my set-up yet with high res like instructed, but I did compile a video of what the babies look like now.
By the way I am using two cfls, one 23watt and one 15watt. Also got some yeast and made DIY Co2 and hose is in live cam between each plant. Hopefully one of these are female so I can get my mother and start my clone chamber up.
YouTube - Bubblicious
Any input would be nice.
-Mr Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
my babies just went threw their first 12 hours of darkness
anticipated the lights going back on since i woke, 12\12 at every 4:20
:clap::-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:clap: wicked!
-Mister Nice GUY



Well-Known Member
dont u think they are preaty small for flowering man??
yes sir, but if one is male I want to "weed" it out
gunna re-veg, cause i am making a clone chamber, nd giving some clones away
Think I should have waited friend? Cause if I am not mistaken it won't show sex till it's ready right?