First time in door grow, advice on plant


Active Member
Hey all,

So this is my first grow and im just wondering if anything is wrong here, some of the leaves seem quite lime green, especially the newer baby ones and i don't see much growth.

I started from clones which i rooted and transplanted into the tent about a week ago, its well ventilated, gets 10mins of nutrient solution every 4 hours (pump from reservoir and drained out bottom back in) and 6 hours of darkness between 12-6pm and is under a 400watt HPS light.

Now when i first put it in it was under two lights and it got pretty hot (around 35-40 degrees c) and burnt a few leaves so i reduced it to one and have been keeping it at exactly 24 degrees since.

I'm hopeing its just still going thru heat/transplant shock but maybe it could be a nutrient problem, really bad quality pics as my phone doesn't like the bright light so i added some of a sister cutting i have with similar symptoms but haven't put in a pot yet.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok so this is what you do. if your vegeing run 18/6 light cycle feed every 4 days starting at 1/4 strength on the bottel. check your ph every time youmix upyour nutes and checkyou runout ph also. room tem w/ light on is best around 73 to 78 degress. lower humity during flower and higher the better during veg..


Active Member
Yeah i thought it could be a PH issue, haven't got a tester yet but going to get one tomorrow.

Every 4 days? so every 4 hours for 10mins is way too much or do you mean feed it more for longer then leave it for longer?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
are you soil or hydro. i water or feed my plants every 3 or 4 days pending on how dry the soilis. ilike my soil very dry be4 i hit her again.


Active Member
give it an Elixer like canna's Rhizotonic to relax it....4mls per litre of water for 3-4 days a week it will be right again


Well-Known Member
4 hours/ 10 min. sounds good for now (if hydro) just make sure they aint too wet or dry. They dont look too bad but that problem can get worse VERY quick, so far it just appears you are using too strong on the nutes..... just use 1/4 strength for now until they snap out of it an start takin off again!