First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the positive comments I really appreciate it! The the girls are looking great check out the pics and let me know what yall think. Im including a pic of one of the babies I just transplanted that should be ready to flower very soon after this first harvest! enjoy



Well-Known Member
OMG!!! It's a jungle in! Still lookin totally SEXY ... :) + rep for your deliciously devine ladies!
OMG!!! It's a jungle in! Still lookin totally SEXY ... :) + rep for your deliciously devine ladies!
It definitely is a jungle in there, its only 2 plants but next time im going to use the SCroG method so i can have an even light canopy for more control and hopefully a better yield. All i have to say tho is if your going to top your plants, use the FIM method, I did it twice to each plant and ended up with a ridiculous amount of nodes.


Well-Known Member
It definitely is a jungle in there, its only 2 plants but next time im going to use the SCroG method so i can have an even light canopy for more control and hopefully a better yield. All i have to say tho is if your going to top your plants, use the FIM method, I did it twice to each plant and ended up with a ridiculous amount of nodes.
me too! I fimm'd one of my ladies and she's got 4 main colas all even :) The other 2 are out of control though...but it's's my first grow so I don't mind adjusting the lights every 5 min...LOL


Active Member
It definitely is a jungle in there, its only 2 plants but next time im going to use the SCroG method so i can have an even light canopy for more control and hopefully a better yield. All i have to say tho is if your going to top your plants, use the FIM method, I did it twice to each plant and ended up with a ridiculous amount of nodes.
Very nice job
Hey all,

Couple of pictures for yall, The girls are looking frosty! Nearing the end of week 5 on 12/12 ive started giving them a nice cocktail of pure unsweetend sodium free CO2 water and 1/2 tsp of molasses and they seem to be loving that. Let me know what ya think. I'm starting to get really excited over here!



Well-Known Member
You have every reason to be really excited....they look AWESOME :) I hope my ladybuds look like that next week :) Is it cold in your area when lights are out? I noticed your red stems and was wondering if it's the strain or just the temps cuz 2 of my girls are WICKED red at the fan stems and they are bagseeds so I'm not sure what strain they are :)
For these plant Its the strain for the most part. The person I got the clones from said his plants did the same. In the tent its about 80 degrees during the day and it doesn't slip below 70 at night.
Hey all,

Just want to thank you all for the support and kind comments you have given since I joined this forum. This has been my first grow and I must say that I am hooked! Watching these grow girls grow from 2 inch tall clones to the magnificent beauties that have exceeded my expectations! The best part is that its only gonna get better!

Last week of nutes and they are really starting to bulk up now. I bumped up the KoolBloom and brought the total PPMs to 1650 (.7) Im gonna push them hard this last week. Next week I start flushing. Here are some pics let me know what ya think.



Well-Known Member
Dam good grow. I'm a CFL grower myself. Keep it up you'll be extremely pleased when finally get to light it up.
Hey all,

Quick update on the girls, They are smelling so divine its unreal! After talking with a friend ive decided to let them go 9 weeks instead of 8. He says his WW is done in 8 weeks but he uses HPS lighting. the buds are looking very pretty, they arent huge but the are rock hard right now! let me know what ya think.



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Quick update on the girls, They are smelling so divine its unreal! After talking with a friend ive decided to let them go 9 weeks instead of 8. He says his WW is done in 8 weeks but he uses HPS lighting. the buds are looking very pretty, they arent huge but the are rock hard right now! let me know what ya think.

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I'll tell ya what I think.....YUM, YUM and YUM!!!! I just love the frostyness of those ladys, looks FANTASTIC!