First Time Indoor Grow, HELP!! PICSSS


well i just finished the big grow box so as a temp while im waiting i moved the plants to a different box, with this box i have 3 26 watt cfls, its about 75-80 degrees and the humidity goes from 30 to 50 all the time, well i have three sprouts showing, one is about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch and straight as an arrow, the other is showing but not fully out of the ground yet, and the last is a 1/4 to 1/3 inch and the top is starting to open but it had a curve in it but it stood so last night when i checked it it was standing fine, today i went to six flags and when i came home it was laying down on the dirt it wasnt standing anymore so i put two post to make it stand straight up, i have pictures PLEASE RESPOND WITH WHY YOU THINK MY SPROUT FELL AND IF THE BOX IS OKAY, THANKS



well i thought i would add a pic of the new grow box just put in a flourecent and the two fans, the rest of the lights will be in soon with the plants, please if you read this help with my question above, thanks



Well-Known Member
The new box looks pretty good man. I hope your plants are low ryders of some sort though because that box may not be tall enough. You'll have to use some form of training to keep the height in check. Have you thought about possibly standing that box on its end. That would give you a great deal more height to work with. As to why that seed fell over I am not really sure. You may have perhaps over watered it and flooded the dirt all the way around it. It would basically be swimming in the hole and could flop over if the roots aren't developed enough yet. Aside from that I am not sure what might be the case.


New Member
it may be that it doesnt have a big enough tap root yet. instead of the stakes just put some more dirt around it. It looks like you have some small root hairs coming out the side anyways so it will just give it a bigger tap root


well i think it was underwatering because my soil was so dry this morning it didnt even try to absord water the water was just rolling on top of it so i watered them really well and moved them to the new box here is a picture, the soil was like completely dried out is it possible they will come back and not die? any help appreciated

