First time Indoor Grow


New Member
Hey everyone, i've never planted anything before, this will be my first ever grow. Main reason is to say no to the drug dealing business which leads to violence.

The box i have it's pretty small, i will probably plant 2 or 3 plants.
I bought White Widow seeds, they arrived today and i decided to do this journal and post updates whenever i can.
The pots i will use are around 18cm diameter.

Here's the soil i bought:


Lamp, it's a 21W that goes to 118W in 90secs, thinking about adding 2 more if i see that the progress is going to slow.


Germination Pot:

Small Pot (12cm):

For Veg:


Just got here today:

This was taken 1 hour and 30 minutes ago.

After a hour of being in the water, they all sinked, which is great :)

I'd like if you guys would post any critics or helpful tips to make it a good grow.
Don't forget, i'm new at this, first time growing!



Active Member
Good luck to ya! The only suggestions I'll make from the start is with your germination pots... dont replant the plant in the germ pot thinking roots will grow through the walls of the germ pot. It may, but will take way more energy than need be. When ready to transplant, carefully remove the plant and roots and soil from the cup and replant in a bigger pot. And when you transplant, just go straight to the biggest pot that you plan on growing in. No sense of transplanting every few weeks. Let the roots have lots of room to do their thing.

Best of luck to ya. Keep us posted on the grow!


New Member
Yeah, that sounds better, i'll do that.
Still waiting on the seeds to germinate, they have been in the water for 18 hours


hate to say it bud but you should have used paper towels and put the seeds in the paper towels and then water the whole thing till it slightly drips then put it in a plastic bag unzipped make sure it stays at least 70°-80° but seeing that you started the water germ then make sure the water is in the same temp rage it might take another 3 days before it germs at all if not by day 7 then you killed them sadly ... took me 3 tries before i got the cup of water germ to work well but the paper towel way works almost 100% of the time lol


New Member
i actually thought of the same thing, 3 hours ago i decided to switch to paper towel method and after 1 hour 2 of the 3 seeds started to open :)



New Member
Well, woke up this morning (Day 3)
The 2 seeds that began opening yesterday, just dropped a root

Here's 1

Here's the 2nd

Here's the 3rd seed, just starting to open up


New Member
Quick update:
- 1 seed has already full root, might be planting it today

- Decided to switch boxes, since the last one could eventually burn itself

Here's the new one, it has more space tho, might be able to plant all 3 seeds



New Member
Day 5
- Running 30W lamp and 33W lamp 6400K
- New invisible tape for the reflectors
- Little head popping out, i'm so happy
