First time Indoor Grow


New Member
So a few months ago I decided to try some indoor growing. I did most of the setup on the fly with a buddy of mine without too much research, because why would I ?

I purchased a VIVOSUN 600W LED Grow Light, and a 48"x 48"x 80 grow tent. We decided to set it up in a finished room in my attic that was generally unused due to the fact that it was 1) out of the way 2) easily cooled by an AC despite the summer heat 3) my basement ceiling was too short for the tent that I didn't bother to measure.

I got feminized seeds for AK-48, White Rhino and Northern Lights. Planted them straight in store bought soil, put them on a table in grow tent with a humidifier, 3 fans (one exhaust and 2 circulation) and have an air purifier sucking in the air conditioned room air into the tent. I also mixed up what seed is in what pot at some point so I have no idea what's what.

So far so good, Of course now is when I'm actually doing research as far as what I should be doing, when I should be switching light cycles, etc etc. It's actually been really fun so far. Any thoughts or feedback would be awesome. I'm trying to figure a few things out. I just learned today that I should cycle the larger plants out to the sides and move the smaller ones to the center so they stay around the same height.

Should I drop the plants from the table to the floor, or can I wait till they get closer to the light?
Should i move these into bigger pots at some point or are the 5 gallon pots they're in fine I'm probably clustering them too close together aren't I?

Feel free to share your thoughts I'm an idiot about this, This wasn't even something I considered until it became legal here and I'm just growing to make some edibles for myself and my wife and give some away to my friends since I have the space and the time.

It's not letting me post pictures yet, but I'll add them as soon as I'm allowed!
Not bad man! Looking good. For someone that did no research when setting up, you seem like you have your ducks in a row. What are you using for that remote monitoring? Just curious.
Looks nice man happy growing. Can’t tell if the fans hitting the plants they like a little wind keeps em dancing makes em strong! Good luck with your grow.
Looks nice man happy growing. Can’t tell if the fans hitting the plants they like a little wind keeps em dancing makes em strong! Good luck with your grow.
I have clip on fan, but it's not up that high... should i move it up higher to blow directly on the plants?
Not bad man! Looking good. For someone that did no research when setting up, you seem like you have your ducks in a row. What are you using for that remote monitoring? Just curious.
I have a wyze camera I had lying around. I figured I wanted something I could use to monitor temperature and humidity so I just pointed it at the monitor I had above the light.
Yes makes the stems stronger for the weight to come the plants should be dancing around a bit
I moved the fan last night to blow directly on the plants and suddenly some little gnats started flying around. I looked up all the info as to why and apparently I'm over watering. So thanks for the tip, it helped me find something before it got worse!
I moved the fan last night to blow directly on the plants and suddenly some little gnats started flying around. I looked up all the info as to why and apparently I'm over watering. So thanks for the tip, it helped me find something before it got worse!
Cool man happy growing