First Time Indoor Grower (4000W Basement Setup)


Well-Known Member
Ya they like it hot n dry... raising the humidity is my first line of defense against them, that and lowering temps if possible.


Active Member
another thing. bugs, in my exp. dont like well circulating air, either. i have reciprocal stand fans, in my areas. good air EXCHANGE, is also good. also. add lady bugs. also, after you do at a spray, u repeat aloud to them. "it rubs the lotion, on its skin, or else it gets the hose again"........(what we need to say again. as a country).


Well-Known Member
Ok so the lazy OP is back for an update... i would apologize for taking too long but i know most of u dont care. but ive been busy lately with the indoor i chopped the gods gift about a week ago n just finished up trimmin it all last night. blue dream looks like its got about a week and the "gsc" that is obviously not gsc still looks like its got 3-4 weeks. Today is the first day on week 10 flower so the blue dream is right on track n i didnt know what to expect on flowering time from the "gsc" so i guess u could say its on track too. i got just over a pound of the godsgift so right around an oz a plant, n i still gotta harvest all the smaller nugs on the bottom that i left on to finish more. it looks like about 3-4 zips of smaller buds left so maybe a 1.25lbs when its all said and done. they were a bunch of little nugs i think the biggest top was only 2 grams so i wasnt expecting too much off those. so i was content with the yield of that but not overjoyed. the blue dreams are gonna double the yield of the godsgift at least so i should get 2lbs no problem off those and i might be able to pull a lb off the "gsc" if not somethin real close. so i should hit right around wat i was hopin for on my first run which was 4lbs. ill update again once the blue dream is all trimmed and jarred. but here are a few pics of the gods gift hanging and on in the jar all trimmed. also below are some pics of my veggie garden which is doing great as well.

