First time indoor grower needs advice


Just needing some advice or suggestions on all aspects. The plan just seems puny. My first time with sativa though...Any help would be appreciated.



Well just a 3amp uv light. Like I said I just obtained the plant and haven't grown indoors before. I picked up a few books on it. But I wanted to explore every avenue.


Active Member
What's a 3 amp uv light?

It doesn't look all that bad to be honest. It does look like it needs some better light to produce a better root system and cut down on stretch.


Well-Known Member
first look and see if its a female, look for any white hairs there gonna be real small all u neeed to see is one and u know u have a female, if u find out its a male trash it,it looks like its ready to go 12/12 give it 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of (complete) dark and ull find out what it is, if u want to get serious u need a better light.start with a 400 watt hps that will get u started


The leaves keep falling off and the are turning a splotchy yellow color. My leaves on the top are curling over and turning a brownish grey color.


dude. Im sorry. But that little buddy looks gone. Try taking a cutting from it. That would be your best bet. Because 1 fan leaf is not going to support all that biomass.