First time ive fed! Any help?


Well-Known Member
They look good. Each plant's nutrient requirements are a little different, so starting off at 1/4th, then going 1/2, then full is a pretty sound plan. You'll notice nutrient burn within 48 hours. Try to record your feeding schedule and the amounts. It can be as simple as a pencil and a notepad or if you have an android phone you can do like I do and use an app called Catch Notes.


thanks man, sounds real good. when should you usually water? i do every 2 day sometimes 3, is that not enough, or to much, bc i occasionally sprinkle water on the leaves also


Well-Known Member
Your plants appear to be Sativa dominant. Watering is going to depend on container size and your zone. Check them every day and always lift the container before and after you water so you can get a feel for the weight. Right now I've been having to water every two to three days because of this heat wave; it's been averaging 100-105*F around here.


Well-Known Member
Misting the leaves with water is fine. The myth goes that watering during the day will cause burn spots on the leaves, because the tiny droplets act as magnifying glasses. The truth is that misting during the day is great for plants, but the sun will evaporate most of the water so it's wasteful if your doing it on a large scale. The burning myth doesn't hold any truth and if you think back to your kindergarden days when you took out a magnifying glass and tried to burn ants, I'm sure you've seen that you can't just put the magnifier on top of the ants, you have to angle it and create a focal point. Water droplets don't create focal points. If they did, plants would be burning up all the time and our car's fancy paint jobs wouldn't last a year.


Well-Known Member
Vindicated you must live close ... its been hot as hell here too .. and even humid .. hating it...

When I water.. I just water till I see runoff some good runoff.. then I let the pot dry till its light when lifted and dry to your second knuckle atleast when you stick your finger in the soil.. You cant water too much .. just too often ..


Well-Known Member
Water dropplets indoor can burn your leaves.. I have pictures to prove it .. outdoor.. I believe its fine.. imo


Well-Known Member
Don't me to hijack your thread tommy...But I was just curious if someone could tell me when I should start giving nutes to my plant (and what type)...It's 5 days old about an inch to an inch and a half high....Skunk....planted in Scott's Premium Potting Soil...thanks


Well-Known Member
check out my fertilizer thread in my signature
only water the soil, not the leaves. if you want to folair feed them use 1/8th strength nutes. the high concentration of nutes on leaves plus the sun = burn.

I have used MG and Schultz rose food forever. USE NO MORE THEN 3/4 STRENGTH every 3rd or 4th watering!!!!! any more and it will start causing problems. mg really starts to suck if you use full strength..