first time journal


Well-Known Member
nnice, that's all reusable... throw it in the pressure cooker and you're good to go...
actually, if you want to skimp, the microwave would probably wourk for boiling syringes....

i found out the hard way that bleach and peroxide aren't enough to sterilize syringes


Active Member
Hell ya. Man that one had more mold on it today so i got rid of three of them so i still got ten. i moved the ones to a different room. but the rest are looking good got like 3-4 that are about 90-97% covered. so hopefully no longer then two weeks before i see pin heads if i don't see any pins by then and all depends on how much there covered i might try to birth one and see what happens. but that will all depend on how they look.


Well-Known Member
I have 2-3 @100% now, see no pinning. Im ready for some action !!!! but untill then we wait... Im hoping to birth one next week (as long as it all goess well)


Well-Known Member
No not done yet. I havent even started fruiting..... AHHHHH...but.. i dunno... damn it. Im Ready. But I want to do this right so ill check on em saturday, and we'll see.. (thats the worst thing about growing shrooms...THE WAIT......)


Well-Known Member
I'LL WARN YOU NOW... its alot less personal than growing pot Id spend hours hanging out with the plants. Now it's Standing in the garage staring at a dozen jars..waiting to fruit.(sorry i gotta vent) honestly best thing to do is what nash told me> buy twice as many jars as you need. BUY A PRESSURE CANNER 16 QT OR BIGGER


Active Member
Man this waiting game does suck i will proply wait til aleast next weekend before i think about birthing. i still got 8 left. i will put up pixs soon but not much has changed just getting a little more covered each day. you got to let me know how yours are doing once you get home.


Well-Known Member
Well as you can see everything looks good. No, I cant birth one yet. Which is driving me nuts. Heres a run down

Picture of six jars. These are the best looking of the 2nd batch I did. 90%-95%

Picture of one with ALOT of verm in it. One of the first two I did after my test run. Why so much verm ?? I was new and didnt really want to mix any more. Just lazy... lol at least Im honest. The cake its-self is 100% for 3 +/- days. I really was hoping to birth it this weekend.

Picture of two. These two look like they might be having some issuse. Hell, I think the bottom one is shot.

A jars w/ new jars. Ok call me crazy but Im not going to do the casing next. Traded quart jars for 8 oz jars. But heres where it gets a lil nutz.. my next run is going to be 48 jars. Thats why I bought the spore kit. But I need a "popped" cap to shoot up the 48 new jars. I cant get the popped cap w/out birthing a you kinda know where Im comming from.

The hepa filter and air filter. I know the filter is what I want for one of those hood things... but could I make a glove box thats hepa flitered? Now I already thought about the postive pressure between the air going thru the filter into the box without any where to go. So I was thinking about using poly-fill as a exhast filter ( just to allow air to exit the box)

comment ???'s

Sorry for lack of action trust me when I birth one Ill post Alot of pix....



Active Member
man they are looking good. i only have a few that look like that but i haven't check on them since thursday. what about the one that you started a week before the rest is that one ready yet? But man i have some were that shit is growing thick as fuck. i have a few that are about 100% and still looking good. haven't been able to take pics. need batterys. but hopefully next weekend or the following one i will be birthing i hope. This waiting shit is driving me nuts. it's driving me more crazy then growing some plants you know when you start to see the buds growing and your on that edge of cutting it down to somke. but you know you have to wait just a little bit longer or it won't turn out right. But i will take some pics as soon as possbile. and post them.