First time LSTing... Did I do it right? (PICS) +REP


Yeah, pretty much. Now you just need to keep up on it as it continues to grow and expand. It can really get out of control if you don't pay attention to it heh.


Yeah, that's more than sufficient. I actually didn't keep up with my LSTing, got kinda lazy with it, and ended up having a really uneven canopy lol.


Active Member
Thanks for the info. It was already pointing up towards the light today with even more new growth. This plant is a soldier for sure. It's been through so much stress and it hasn't shocked it at all. It will probably turn out male cause of the stress haha thatd be my luck.


Active Member
yeah that sucks!! im hoping for the best. can i cut off side branches now at each node to provide more adequate light or should I leave them?


Active Member
man once they are going good you can chop off anything you want, lol! Just don;t take more than 1/3 of the leaves at one time, and wati for new growth before doing it again. They'll live if you wack the shit out of them....but it really slows 'em down


Well-Known Member
ya looks good ,u can do it over and over till u reach the size u want just make sure u bend theres a new bud site to take the place of the one u bent and so on and so on


Active Member
I have another question about this LST. I used a coat hanger (cut up in sections and bent) to help keep it bent down but it pulls them right back up out of the soil. Any suggestions? Refer to first post of thread for pics.


Active Member
good start, i also use coat hangers (cheap wire ones from 99 cent store work best). you mentioned cutting stuff off. I just pin all the lower stuff down as i go. I do go through and remove all lower growth right before i flip and then again at three weeks into flower. Also i use ten gallon rubbermaid totes so that theres plenty of surface area. I usually end up with 20 to30 nice bud sites in my canopy. good luck n pin them girls legs down lol