First Time Micro CFL Grow, 3 weeks old


Active Member
If it is mites then you will see lil yellow spots on the tops of the leaves and you can findout by useing a magnifying glass to examine the bottom of the leaves for lil black dots that move also look for tiny webs between branches and main stem

It's kinda funny that I helped housing your mysterious rust spots one of the leaves on my auto la diva ha mysterious rust colors spots on it and it's only one leaf tho so I'm gonna see if my tea helped it cuz my tea has p/k in it not much k tho (k = mag if you didn't know) I gotta get more guanos to mix up in my tea


Yeah ive been thinking spider mites too. Ill check for webs and such. Thats sucks about your auto flower hopefully it will turn out better. The rust has been spreading a little on my plants actually :/ imma dose it with some more epsom salt on the next watering. I dont think i put enough in last time.


Active Member
Ya the best thing you can do with mites is make sure that's the issue if so gently wash the leaves with soapy water then spray off with mist spray on a bottle

Ya I only noticed it on one leaf burning hopeing if it is mag deff then the tea should take care of it but if it is desease then I hope it don't spread to my mothers that would suk I already don't have a place to flower untill I get funds up but if my maby get infected then I'm kinda screwed on genetics

But I do have some seeds from a bag of baby dro I got and a bunch of bag seed seeds from some mid grade regs


So here are the pics of what i think to be spider mites. When i read about them i thought they were much smaller but you can see many of these with the naked eye. Most are on white hairs some are on the underside of the leaf. Pics are a little blurry because i was trying to get close in on it but hopefully someone can help me identify the problem with them :).



Active Member
Yah man idk what it is if it was mites tho they would be moving around

The best I can do is search a lil but and see if I come up with anything


Thanks for the help man, hopefully ill figure out what is going on soon. I have seen bugs movin around before but only 1 or 2 and im not sure what they are. The weird thing is im seeing signs of mites like white spots and discolorations. Im just going to keep a close eye on em for now.


Active Member
Yah man it no prob to help because if I go threw it elegance the knowledge already

But yes just keep a close eye on them and you should be ok

I accidentally over waterd my la diva tonite after feeding her her tea but I have accidentally over waterd my bubblegum kush to and she got over it quick I think the auto should have no issue getting over it it isn't bad to photos few leaves are deploying so it more just be her relaxing after a good meal lol


Hmm, dont exactly know where to start off. This server crash has been annoying. Over the last week the 3 oldest females have been doing great! They are smelling much more strongly and swelling up more and more each day. After I added my Bubba Kush clone into the flowering room i had to tie her down, i believe this is called LST but im not too sure about it all. She is doing great though, and i believe will out produce the other plants once she matures. I decided to clone her also because some leaves werent getting proper lighting after i tied her down, and the clone is more of a test run for my next grow. The Bubba Kush has also taken off! Already surpassing the height of the smaller 3 mature plants (assuming i didnt tie the Bubba Kush down). Ill post pics later today I believe once the lights are on.


Active Member
They all look realy good bro

I just took some pics today of my girls that I switched to flower my last auto is about to be put in jars to finish curring are they getting frosty yet


Got back last night and they are doing very well! Since i have been gone they have been bulbing up a lot! The Bubba's fan leaves got burnt as a bud on one of my older plants :(. Lights are not on now, ill post pics later today!


Active Member
Good shyt man I switched my girls 2 weeks ago this is the last day of transition and they got tiny nugs everywhere already I think I'm gonna be realy happy with what I get out of this I think it's gonna be more than I originally thought

I'm gonna be posting pics in my thread after the coffee grounds dry and I mix them in the soil


Active Member
They looking realy good man

As for when they are done can't realy tell from pics pest way is look at the tricombs they will tell a story of how long you just have to listen well look lol if they don't speak to you that would be better if you looked at em and they was just like I'm ready cut me down or hey give me a few more weeks lol that would be awesome

But sence they can't tell us the tricombs can just watch them closely usually around 8 weeks for indica and around 10-12 for sativa mixed can take from 8-12 so tricombs are the way to tell if they are milky white then you can cut down it will give you a active buzz if you wait till they are amber then you'll have a couch lock buzz I like to wait untill they are around 50/50 white/amber that will give you a mixed buzz with some being more heavy and some being more active

Hope this helps you man if I could see trics in a pic I could tell you but it's super hard to get a lucid them lil basters


Yeah that makes sense. I am currently at day 54, or week 8 minus 1 day, so I pretty sure i got more time. I was reading up about the change in color, and I also am wanting to do the 50-50 amber/white tricomes. I dont have a magnify glass or anything tho, do you know if you can tell from the naked eye when your plants change tint? I seems like all of the tricomes are still white so I will prolly give it another week or two, depending on how they mature.


Active Member
If you use your camra zoom all the way in or untill u can see them nightly can get a magnifier for cheap newhere for under 15$ you could get a good one mine is a 30-60x zoom with leds to light up under the eye piece makes it super easy to see the trics it like lights them up was like 13$-15$ from htg I get a lot of stuff from there I want to visit the store it's only 1-30 away from me

But if you can see them good with a camra it might zoom far enough I got a thrive tablet and it don't realy work but at times I can get a good look m


Few days ago I cut off a small nug, finally smoked it today, and wow! I was surprised how good it came out! Got a pretty good head high right away, I would say it is on the lower end of medical quality bud. But I'm very happy with my results! I realized I was wrong about what day of flowering it was. It is closer to day 63 right now, give or take a day. I am really thinking about cutting down a plant today, but we'll see what happens. The plants are fairly dry right now so it is a good time to chop, and if i dont do it now I'll have to wait until next weekend. What ever happens ill make sure to take some pics.


Active Member
If you got kind of like a I want more high then she isn't done yet I have smoked pre mature buds and you just want more

But again it's all on what you want to do but deff post some pics when you decide what your gonna do