First Time Ordering Seeds Online

Big Storks

Active Member
Ok.(deep breath). I ordered seeds from the "tude" today and I'm nervous as hell. Ordered stealth packaging and was wondering how safe is it. How long would it take. Will customs be on my ass for a few seeds. Please someone help calm my nerves. This is my first time ordering online from a seedbank.


Virtually Unknown Member
Read any of the threads about seed ordering and the first couple of times, everyone is nervous. Don't worry about it, the worst that will happen is the seeds will be confiscated and customs will send you a letter. CBP and DEA are not doing to roll up to your door for a couple of seeds. Luck is on your side and you should receive the seeds in 7-10 days.


Well-Known Member
you have no control whom sends you anything so in the event of it turning to shit the cops dont waste there time knocking your door that is unless you have been caught for previous related stuff ,,,,and then its hit and miss , the cops cant play at chase with everything and relying on you to say ``yeah i ordered them `` isnt in the cops interest ,,,,,, in other words your safe
Chances are VERY good that this experience will be very much like ordering from Amazon. You place your order, you wait about 2 days longer than you could ever imagine it would take, and then one day, just when you've given up hope, the package arrives in your mailbox in good order and voila, you got seeds. My orders typically take about 12-15 days, but this last order took only 9. I'm not in the same country as the 'tude.