First Time Outdoor Grow


Active Member
So this is my second attempt at trying to grow, my first plants died because of nute burn/too small a pot. This time the plants seem to have taken to a pot I already have a thriving Rosemary plant in, to camo them a bit. How they lookin? Are they too close to one another/the rosemary? Any suggestions/imputs are greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
So this is my second attempt at trying to grow, my first plants died because of nute burn/too small a pot. This time the plants seem to have taken to a pot I already have a thriving Rosemary plant in, to camo them a bit. How they lookin? Are they too close to one another/the rosemary? Any suggestions/imputs are greatly appreciated.


They look healthy..but you should plant them alone..they will compete for food and then all have reduced instead of 1 max. output plant, you get 3 mediocre plants... plus don't put diff. types of plants together..a germ that might be OK for Rose..may be fatal to weed..To hide I go to $ store and buy cheap plastic leaves and flowers and stick or twist tie to stem.. I don't know your plans..In, out..sun, lights...transplant or not... etc to give anymore ideas..
they are obviously looking good.. Luck:mrgreen:


Active Member
Do you think if when they got more veg. that I could put them in a large trash can to force flowering, because they will only be getting 5-6 hours max when the sun is directly overhead. Or will it get too hot inside a trash can (plastic, not metal) for the plants. Its just that I have them currently on a deck in almost plain view, ~25-30 feet away from a sidewalk, and am thinking of ways to cammo them when they get bigger. I currently have a bunch of other plants/veggies along side but its only a matter of time before I have to come up with something.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Do you think if when they got more veg. that I could put them in a large trash can to force flowering, because they will only be getting 5-6 hours max when the sun is directly overhead. Or will it get too hot inside a trash can (plastic, not metal) for the plants. Its just that I have them currently on a deck in almost plain view, ~25-30 feet away from a sidewalk, and am thinking of ways to cammo them when they get bigger. I currently have a bunch of other plants/veggies along side but its only a matter of time before I have to come up with something.

Any suggestions?
Yes you can put it in a plastic trash can,just put holes in the bottom. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
Crap! is it too late to transplant the big one (its about 1.5-2 feet and has 5/6 nodes) its about 30 days old; i'm afraid its going to run out of room next to the rosemary. Is it too late to transplant, and if so, how deep should I dig??

If I don't transplant, will they mature/give me some buds?

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Well-Known Member
Crap! is it too late to transplant the big one (its about 1.5-2 feet and has 5/6 nodes) its about 30 days old; i'm afraid its going to run out of room next to the rosemary. Is it too late to transplant, and if so, how deep should I dig??

If I don't transplant, will they mature/give me some buds?

Just dig a square foot around her and re plant her. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
ok guys thanks for all the replies. I've decided that i'm too big of a pussy to transplant them for fear of them dying (them seem to be doing OK so far). Anyway here is a new picture of my three plants in their new home along with the rosemary. If I notice something wrong, then I might transplat? The big one is almost 40 days old and I can't remember when I planted the other two. Is it ok to use nutes on them now that they are older? I burned/killed other plants using nutes so I'm kinda thinking about avoiding them cause they are growing so well. Any suggestions/comments are always appreciated. Also I think I sexed the large plant, its a female. I'll try to update this thread every once in a while.

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Active Member
Ok so a few more days have passed and the plant is growing like a weed (no pun intended) and I am afraid that it might get out of the large trash can i put it in. If I leave this plant out in its current state without forced flowering, will it do it on its own if it is outside; that is to say that will the natural cycle of the the summer going/fall coming set the plant off by itself? or is it too late and should I force flower soon? (first frost is october around here)


also, does this look like an indica or sativa? its about three feet tall and seems to want to grow more. I give it nutes once a month
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Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
chop that rosemary off at the base. Its to tiny to serve any purpose as far as concealment is concerned and its only going to have an adverse effect on the others. You could also get some plywood and 2x4's to build walls up around and above that trash can if you are worried about them being easily seen once they grow outside of that trash can.


Active Member
well i was thinking that when it blooms it might help conceal the scent of the buds a little bit if it too is blooming? i might just chop it off because it is pretty obvious what i am growing now


Well-Known Member
well i was thinking that when it blooms it might help conceal the scent of the buds a little bit if it too is blooming? i might just chop it off because it is pretty obvious what i am growing now
Yea let the MayJ grow! It wil soon be a non schedule one drug!!


Active Member
why are they in a bin i grow every year all i do id get 1 foot square pots potting soil nutrients pearlite knock up the bits and bobs put seed in soil water when soil feels dry gradualy increase nutrients till plants looks healthy and green should be starting to flower about now so you can tell male and female and take out males (or make hash)this is a simple method and has always worked for me i hope this could be of some help


Active Member
You can transplant them when they are 4 or 5 feet tall and they just keep on growing! You can't kill them if you try. lol lol


Active Member
Well they keep growing...but no buds yet. I know the big one in this pic is a girl because she is starting to stink between the 4th and 5th nodes pretty sour! She is about three feet and it looks like she might keep going.
