First Time Outdoor

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
Month 3 is here... Progress report: I don't want to get too detailed but basically the plants could have grown faster if I hadn't have trimmed them so many times. The plants are about 3ft high with super tight nodes. Like every half inch! I also got my power bill $180 for 1 month WTF!? The calculator in the sunlight supply mag only said under $100! I gotta get me some LEDs!!



Well-Known Member
What up WCM! Well bro, i see ya tryin, but you also have to correct some things to optimize your growth. All of the things I am about to say are just my opinion, so everyone else, if you think i'm steerin him wrong, put in your two cents!! Anyway, it seems your 2 main problems are too much heat from the lamp and too much nutes. In that 2x4 space a 400w or even 600w would have been plenty, 1000w is way overkill!! and is for a space twice that big. Probably even better would have been 3 four ft. 2-bulb flouro shoplights; MJ veg's excellent under flouros, and scrap that LED thought! Way too expensive when you can achieve the same thing with flouros.

And with your nutes, i think you're givin 'em way too much. I would scrap your tank and drip lines and water them by hand. First they need to be flushed, really bad! Copious, copious amounts of straight water. Then give 'em 1/2 to 3/4 the recommended amount once every other week, maybe mix in a little micronutes, few drops of Superthrive, and in between STRAIGHT WATER! After you flush, they will need to be fed though, just not too much! When they are small they don't require that many nutes. And one final word on the coco-coir. I wouldn't recommend that medium for a relatively novice grower. Everything i've read said that it can be great, but finicky, and should always be flushed very, very, very well BEFORE using, and works better when combined with another medium like clay pebbles, or soil.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on the problems you've been having and what I would do to correct them. Keep tryin, askin questions, and all the fine people here will get you on the right track and growin some dankness!! A for effort!!:peace:

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
Ok so I don't want to divulge too much information, but straight to the point. I haven't been home in a few months now, and I think (well no, I know) my girlfriend's an idiot and she doesn't want to talk about it but I think she killed my plants somehow. I just have a feeling, so sorry guys but I think I'm closing the thread if I can figure out how to. Thanks for your support.