First time Outdoors and needs advice

I live in jacksonville, florida and ive been planing growing outdoors for months because i cant start indoors until i move out and graduate. but i went on google maps and ive actually been to my desired location and its behind my brothers house and its seperates my brother property and the man behind him.

how many plants would it be safe to plant without it getting sketchy with cops and others that live near?

and also i tried to germinate about 10 seeds using the paper towel method and after 6 days of no breaking shell i flushed them. how long do seeds normally take?


Well-Known Member
the trick to germinating is put them in water 12-24 hrs, or until they sink. Then to the papertowel. I've done this w/ about 30 seeds. SUCCESS!! You can fit 50-100+ depending on how big the plot is. I personally would rathe a few HUGE plants (50 in a space that can take 75 for example) But i like being able to give my ladies tons of light. If i were you veg them indoors for a while then move them outdoors at the VERY BEGINNING of spring so you can have as long of a grow as possible. If i were you i would either do LST if i had to keep them outta view. If not Lollipop that shit and get MAD BUDS. Also w/ outdoors, add neem oil to your water every once and a while to keep bugs away. (read up on how much to use. my friend did it and it worked wonders for him) Hope this helps. Make sure you post pics if you can. I'm curious to see this till harvest
the trick to germinating is put them in water 12-24 hrs, or until they sink. Then to the papertowel. I've done this w/ about 30 seeds. SUCCESS!! You can fit 50-100+ depending on how big the plot is. I personally would rathe a few HUGE plants (50 in a space that can take 75 for example) But i like being able to give my ladies tons of light. If i were you veg them indoors for a while then move them outdoors at the VERY BEGINNING of spring so you can have as long of a grow as possible. If i were you i would either do LST if i had to keep them outta view. If not Lollipop that shit and get MAD BUDS. Also w/ outdoors, add neem oil to your water every once and a while to keep bugs away. (read up on how much to use. my friend did it and it worked wonders for him) Hope this helps. Make sure you post pics if you can. I'm curious to see this till harvest
What is LST? well i used to live in escondido, california and behind my house was just nothing but mountains and it was my oldest brother who was runnin shit back in his days and was pushin pounds a week. the typical stoner in cali. but the spot is a pure sunlight all day location. but should i just straight up plant all the plants and fuck blending them and spreading them around? i would gladly send u a private picture of a google map of the spot and see what u think!

also how many times should i visit the spot? could i use a crystal watering ball to limit to visits?


Well-Known Member
as far as ur location, what kinda property sizes are we looking at, if ur planning on growing this in the city in between 2 houses id say go fuck yourself, if this is out in the boonies or outskirts where properties are huge then u might have a chance. AS far as size, some plants can easily grow 8 feet tall. And some strains u can smell from 500m away. This is your first grow im guessing? if so don't expect to much outta the grow as most people dont do it right the first time. I only got 28g from 5 plants my first time and i didn't harvest early or anything. Start them inside for the love of god. Those 8 foot tall plants i was talking about were started indoors for a few weeks, the exact same strain was put strain into soil and plants grew to be 2 feet tall with little bud. Just because a location is good now doesn't mean it will stay good though out the growing season, trees fill in and forest floors can become very crowded with neighboring weeds so keep that in mind incase u need to pick another spot. When i look for a spot i look for 2 main things, sunlight exposure, more is always better, if u want bug fat sticky buds then don't put them somewhere where you can look right into the sun, and a reliable water source, My last grow the stream i was using to water my plants dried up in June and water didn't run thought that stream again till october. I had to walk 5 gallon buckets of water 30 mins to get them from another small pond to my plot.

Also tr and spread plants out, if some1 finds a single pot plant they can steal or whatever they usually just leave, if they find a huge crop they are gonna come back


Well-Known Member
LSt is low stress training, basically tying them down so they grow an even canopy and dont grow straight up and eat away at all ur vertical space, usually only relevent when growing indoors, if u plant them in the ground they should be fine by themselves if it rains enough, other then that just once a week or so just to make sure they are not droopy although if u live close ull probably be there every day. Those water orbs things would do nothing outdoors, u need an enclosed planter for them to work well
LSt is low stress training, basically tying them down so they grow an even canopy and dont grow straight up and eat away at all ur vertical space, usually only relevent when growing indoors, if u plant them in the ground they should be fine by themselves if it rains enough, other then that just once a week or so just to make sure they are not droopy although if u live close ull probably be there every day. Those water orbs things would do nothing outdoors, u need an enclosed planter for them to work well
yeah dude that helped alot..ahhh well i used to live in cali and outdoor growing wasnt nesscary since my brother and i bought baby plants from the clinic and grew them and sold them back to them and did it legally. but i just posted another thread explaining how i dont even have to germinate the seeds or baby them until their strong enough because my bestfriend and i are been giving 6 indica and sativa plants for free from her friends bf. and we talked to him and their 7 weeks right now at perfect shape. and were just going to plant them as soon planting season is here. cause the guy is a professional grower and sets up grow houses for people and shit.

but haha i know i feel like a rookie but ive studied growing and researched for months and its almost time.