first time, over all helth of my plant


Active Member
Ph levels are correct nut level are also correct. hows this plant look so far?

I think it looks good overall but ur leaves are droopy and looks like its getting a lil to much water. Whats ur water level at?
right now it's about 1 1/2 inch below the basket should I drop the water level the next time I change it out.... I do it every 10 days 10th day will be the 9th.
THey just look to wet to me but overall the plant looks very healthy. Just a thought, stop spraying ur plant for a couple days, I think u will be amazed at how ur leaves perk up and start reaching for ur lamp.
THey just look to wet to me but overall the plant looks very healthy. Just a thought, stop spraying ur plant for a couple days, I think u will be amazed at how ur leaves perk up and start reaching for ur lamp.
well right befor the i took the pic was the first time i sprayed her it looks as if the edges of some of the tips are starting to curl,and i see a brown spot ,or 2.


That plant looks very healthy man,Ive never spayed my plants in any cycle but they did look too wet in the first pic. I honestly think that those fan leaves are going to start reaching in a day or 2 without misting.Like i said looking good tho, ive also had clones with droopy leaves to tho but they end up being solid plants. I think u will be fine sir, nice grow.I am curious what the temp is on that tape.
well right befor the i took the pic was the first time i sprayed her it looks as if the edges of some of the tips are starting to curl,and i see a brown spot ,or 2.

My bad all though i would watch for burn if your lights get real intense. Your plants look great!! If this is your first grow don't kill your plants with kindness go slow and easy with nutes until you know what they will do but so far so good from what i can see. I had the same issue and when you see your plants every 4 hours you see the tiniest mark or spot relax. :weed:
thanks for the help fellas temp in the room is 74 on the tape is 81,and yeah man everytime i walk in the door from work that the first place i go to. I'll just sit back,and let her to her thing. Should i pick them light up a few inches higher? did the ol hand test ther not hot at all I can pretty much hang on to one with my hands.
No problem dude. I swear if you do everything these pros on here suggest ur going to have an uncontrollable jungle on ur hands in no time!. I can see u are completely obsessed so my only answer to that is to start another project dude and let that plant grow hahah. Keep me posted bro.
Bro, thats AWESOME! Im just glad i could help! Thats going to be a very nice plant long as you Change ur water on time ( 10-days reccomended but every 2 weeks wil work) and carefully follow directions on ur nut bottles.
Everydays going to be like that with dwc dude.Do everything youve been doing!
Be carefull with the foliar spray. i can say this that alot of people swear by it and alot of people dont bother with it. At this point id set that spray bottle aside cuz u dont wat to ruin ur nuggies with mold later on!
Definetely keep us posted that is turning out nice!
Thanks for the help shes reaching her fans up to the light now,and looking great. i'll update in a few days show ya how shes going.

This is kinda a test grow. I need to get my hands on some good seeds,or clones,but were i live.... shits kinda a tuff find. I dont know any good trusted sites to buy from. can ya hook me up with a few?
The Attitude. Nirvana.
But u should prolly grow one or 2 more bagseeds out first so u can learn all u need to know b4 investing money in seeds.
Obviously u have done ur homework and ur pics are clean. Ur plant looks niice bro im just glad i could help to be honest.
Soak up all u can in the meantime and keep the pics going.Beatifull!
i'll prolly need help on telling what gender this is soon enough. I have read what i need to look for,but never seen it first hand. thanks for the help again. lets hope ya stick around =D
Awesome bro glad to see how nicely its coming along. Its exciting for me even just watching lol. Anyhow, I think ur going to be alot more amazed when u hit flower. Looks like u may have a nice indica going. I think u would be safe vegging at least 14-16 inches tall before changing ur lights to flower.

Ive got a nice unknown indica strain that i have kept going myself. In flower the leaves get very oily and thick and mangled looking. Im just predicting that urs looks like they will do the same.

Very nice bro keep up the good work!
Looks like u may have a nice indica going. I think u would be safe vegging at least 14-16 inches tall before changing ur lights to flower.

Im going to have to agree with that being an indica. Very nice looking plant man.

As far as telling sex, there are plenty of people on here willing to help you out. Once you know what to look for, you wont have problems identifying sex (like riding a bike i guess?).