first time pc box cfl grow (any tips appreciated)

I decided to build my own box, saving me a considerable amount of money (I've spent about 70 dollars). I purchased an old case and three pc fans for 15 bucks off of craigslist, and the rest of the supplies could be found at any hardware store. I used a reflective bubble material for interior surface, with 4 26w 6700k CFLs plugged into a surge protector. The fans are running off of a 12 volt adapter and are rigged to run even if the lights are off.

The temperature is a steady 24C or 75F and the humidity is 79%.

I'm using a 14-14-14 potting mix from miracle grow. I plan on using a 10-10-10 fertilizer for the veg stage.

I'm growing a mix of indoor seeds, left from other grows no less than a year old, hopefully they all germinate well :). I'm only going to grow one plant in this box so if more than one of the four seeds I have germinating ends up growing into a female, I'll just move it into a tent grow (selecting the best plant for the box). Right now I'm thinking of doing a scrog grow and maybe topping a week into flowering.

I'm doing both an in soil germination of two seeds and a paper towel method for the other two seeds. I've never grown in soil before so I'm going to try it out. I just dampened the soil and planted the seeds no more than a centimeter down, covering them lightly and placing a ziplock bag over the top of the cups.

I also have an oscillating fan running inside of the grow closet providing plenty of fresh air and am using purified water (to my understanding their is no real difference between this and distilled water). The red tape is just there for support right now, just making sure the glue dries completely, after that I'll remove it.

Day 1:

Put the cups under light and covered them with plastic bags. 24 hours of light right now.



New Member
y0 if u iz use dat much nootriants u iz gonna bern plant u iz better use 4-6-6 for veg and 10-10-10 in flowering dunno about y() mg soilz 14-14-14 and also wtf iz dat shit bags on cupz br0?
I don't know about the potting soil's content but from what I could gather neutral levels isn't bad. High nitrogen is good for vegging isn't it? My buddy was the one who showed me his box and inspired me to create mine. He germinated in cups like that, using 24 hour light with bags on the top (not sure why) and had 100% success for 6 seeds. Anybody know more about this?


Well-Known Member
I use the same method for germination/ seedling growth. Same thing as a humidity dome.

Those nutes should be fine for vegging, but yes you SHOULD get something else with less N and more PK for flowering. As well as changing the lights from 6500k to 2700k (warm/red spectrum) for flowering


Active Member
im starting my own grow too its cheap tho haha i got a pc grow box put alluminum foil on the walls and 2 26watt cfls ive seen great results useing 3k lumens i got about 3200 so i think itl do alright i wired 2 computer fans into a power supply that was alredy in the computer the only problems are is that the power supply uses alot of space and i live in the desert so the outside soil i got has so much clay and i alredy germinated and dumped the seeds in the soil so there goes a waste of seeds haha
That sucks about the seeds blaka, desert soil is not good for growing water loving plants... Are you going to be posting some pics?
Update: One of the two paper towel seeds has sprouted, about half a centimeter right now, by the end of the night I'll be placing it in the box.
Three of the four seeds germinated, both from the paper towel method and one from the soil method. I've moved one of the paper towel seeds to another area and am going to just grow these two in the pc box. The lights have since been moved down to about 2 inches away from the plants. I fertilized the plants with a 24-8-10 fertilizer at somewhere between 1/2 and 1/4 the recommended amount, using filtered water. Everything seems ok, if you guys have any ideas let me know :)



Active Member
111115_001421.jpg111115_001602.jpgyo i dumped out that crappy soil and bought some organic soil for 1$ at walmart haha i put a big box in my closet added some mylar and 2 little fans and a big fan with 3 lights 2 6500k and 1 2700k i really hope thats enough but i geuss i should atleast get 2 more huh anyways its very ghetto the way i did it haha but later i got some little white bugs i believe them to be mites that live off the stuff in the soil didnt wanna take a chance so i sprayed them with some insect soil right now i have the 2 little white roots coming to the top of the soil so i put some light soil over it tomorow morning they will be above soil my only problem now is that there in the same container and i wanna transplant but idk when i should might stress them