First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Hey dope, good work with the lst, I like how you went right into it, I think thats the key, to do it as soon as possible. Plants are looking so nice and healthy, got nice tight foliage, gonna have some nice bushy plants in a few weeks time. By the way, pretty ingenious idea to use hooks for tying the strings around, good stuff!


Well-Known Member
hey sky long time no see
thanks for the friendly comments
as for the brass hooks im sure im not as smart as you think im sure have done it before me, so ill give them the credit but thank you
you cab grow looks great by the way keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Day 18 - 10/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 84.9 F

Pics 1-3: sprout 1 looking good new growth slowly coming up the middle, the leaves did seem a bit drooped(will be monitoring) and dont say over watering because i have watered in 2 days, but i mist lightly once a day. overall going well.

Pics 4-6: Sprout 2 looking great aswell still aways behind 1 but its all good assuming still particially shocked from transplant. but things are progressing slowly.

Pic 7: So here the nutes i bought dont plan on using them quite yet but one is 'Shultz' Bloom Builder 5-30-5. And other being 'MG' All purpose Plant Food 12-4-8. Do you guys think these will be sufficient? Thanks. Oh and i forgot i also have Shultz all purpose 10-10-10. what you guys think?

And thank you Ted for the comment.



Well-Known Member
thts gunna be a tight fit for width u gt dimensions im growin in a bed side table nicely set up dont no to post pics cba unless people want to see it???


Well-Known Member
hey josh ghe dimensions are (lxwxh) 19.5"x8.5"x22.5" and this is a strong indica strain thatll stay small especially with LST so im not worried. as for that segment in your comment about posting, i dont understand it so ill ignore it. update coming later today


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking sweet mate :)

Not used either of those feeds but I'll have a look at what the NPK numbers are on my stuff and report back in a bit. I see Shultz in use on several threads here though, so it's probably a good one.


Well-Known Member
thanks v12, i think the transplant shocked the hell out of sprout 2 hopefully itll come back to reality soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Both plants look fine to me. They'll grow plenty soon enough mate.

My nutes are veg: 7-4-10, flower: 4-8-7 and budbuilder: 2-45-28. The labels are all gunked up on the canna stuff so I can't read them.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 - 11/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 84.2 F

Pics 1-4: Sprout 1 looking amazing! as always... tied her down a bit more going to try and make her circle around the pot:D lots of new growth coming up the middle, which is always exciting.

Pics 5-8: Sprout 2 looking shock as hell! Nothing new going on here. Kinda boring and sad but what can yah do eh?

Pic 9: Just the set up.

Should i start giving a light dose of of nutes come 3 weeks? or no?



Well-Known Member
Looking good DW. Things seem to be picking up. That LST on sprout 1 is looking great. I like how you have hooks already going around the pots to help with the LST. I started giving Esme a light dose of some blooming nutes, I'm hoping this will help the flowering process start already, it didn't seem to hurt her. She's around 3-4 weeks so I assume it should be fine. You can always just try very light dose and if there are no ill effects you can up the dosage.


Well-Known Member
Hey DW
Pics 6 & 8 show the round bottom leaves and they are still fairly green so they are providing the nutes. Once these turn brown & wilt the plant is ready to feed from the roots but there will likely be some nutes in the soil.
Wait about a week after those 2 leaves wilt before you start with the nutes. Remember that you want them healthy but max growth isn't the aim.


Well-Known Member
Day 20 - 12/Apr/09 - Plants
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 84.7 F

Pics 1-4: Heres plant 1 looking alittle droopy because i think i over watered a bit and it was alittle to warm in the case, but none the less its going well lots of new growth coming up the middle.

Pics 5-8: Plant 2 looking well still slowly coming out of shock im guessing because really nothing new and exciting with it, but its doing fine aswell.

Any advice on anything?
Take it easy guys.



Well-Known Member
Damn man. I just read through your entire thread and it is seriously helping me so much. I was starting to build a pc grow but ended up using rubbermaids instead. Your LSTing is like a school for it. I just started a grow and will be referring to your thread often. The pictures are perfect and self-explanatory. I am most definitely subscribed to your grow. + rep to you man. Looking good.


Well-Known Member
Hey DW.
Just had a quick flick through to see if I missed anything and those temps are on the high side for the little ones. They can deal with 85F but it will be very dry in there. This tends to make the leaves a bit thinner than they usually would be and yours look a bit that way to me.
Get a cup of water in there around the same level as the top of the plants. If possible, put a sealy bag or upturned bottle over them just before the lights go out too. The bag will raise humidity to 80% and a couple of days at that humidity will make a big difference. Take the bag/bottle off after 48 hours but keep the cup in there and make sure it's always got plenty of water in it.