First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
If you keep a 2 - 3 inch gap between the the plant and light that's maybe 9 inches left so not too much room to work with. As you move everything up and there's more foliage the temps will also rise a bit so maybe keep another inch spare just in case. Expect a growth spurt just after you switch and a bigger spurt just after they show sex. I'd guess 2 weeks more good growth and I'd be switching them over.
Try to have all the growing tops at an even height when you switch too. It will save bother later on.


Well-Known Member
Day 31- 23Apr/09 - Plants
4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 76.F

Pic 1-4: plant 1 looking good here, that lower growth coming in super fast, its scaren me lol. lots of new growth coming out the top and shit is that stem getting thick!

Pic 5-8: plant 2 looking good its being imature and not wanting to grow up! maybe some ridalin aka nutes will help it out. lower growth coming in good and strong and same with top growth yet still quite short oh well.



Well-Known Member
Sweet man, theyre looking good, just outta curiosity whats your watering schedule with nutes? Your soil's always looking nice and moist.


Well-Known Member
hey lunch thanks for the comment, i give about 2 oz. of water every 3-4 day i give nutes every 2-3 watering depending on how they are doing


Well-Known Member
so ive put them in 12/12 now sorry i havent been updating this grow has gotten somewhat depressing in the past to weeks(just lack of progress, losing faith in myself) i got sick of waiting so i kicked it to 12/12 with 4 23w 2700k ill post update once they show sex


Well-Known Member
Don't be downhearted DW. One of the probs with bagseed is that you have no idea what the genetics are, so maybe they are supposed to be low and slow. When you read the descriptions on the seedbanks you sometimes see that certain seeds are recommended for SOG and these are often very slow and small. It would make sense to me that commercial growers would use such a strain. In my experience these strains have profuse roots and seem to put a lot of growth into that area.
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to take a few clones off them and put those into 12/12 as soon as they get established. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
hey v thanks for the comment. the bagseed failed a month a go and this grow was a strain called asshole. couldnt find much on the strain about how it grows or anything just the little description the bank tells you which aint much. after this grow ill build my stealth dresser which will be split in half for 1 side veg and 1 side flower, and ill try my purple pineberry seeds thatll be the grow ill dedicate to you and put my heart and soul into it lol. anways ill post an update later when i get home from work.


Well-Known Member
Day 35- 27Apr/09 - Plants
4 x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temp: 78.2F

so as you've noticed ive turned into flowering and light scedhule now 12/12 and 2700k bulbs are now in.

Pic 1-4: heres plant 1 looking great, no droop they have totaly turned around over night. im excited. thing is growing like made its sex yet.

Pic 5-8: plant 2 also looking awesome definetly not as big as plant 1 but none the less no droop looking good and it is growing! no sex yet.

Pic 9: heres a pic of the set up, i lowered the lights and everything is great.



Well-Known Member
Keep up the good work, . everythings looking good, Id say sit back and wait till you see some sex, but Im gonna be givin molasses as a shot, Ive read that it helps increase resin glands, but Im glad they've picked up and they're looking good man.


Well-Known Member
Looking nice DW. The LST is looking good. Just time to wait for the sex. I like seeing shots of your set up, just cause it looks so clean and mine looks so ghetto.


Well-Known Member
The plants look hot, d. dub! My 12/12ers are only a tick behind yours, but N deficient and soaked. Your babies look nice and healthy and green, man. The tie-down is A+, too, bro.


Well-Known Member
Day 36- 28Apr/09 - Plants
4 x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temp: 82.4F

things are g-r-r-reat!

Pics 1-4: heres plant 1 looking great. after i dont these pics i tied the top down again so i can keep an even grow surface and over the 8 hours i was at work it had already turned upright again. to intense! the lower side branches are growing pretty rapid. no signs of sex yet.

Pics 5-8: plant 2 looking good aswell! lower branches coming in nicely the top is nice and perky and no much to say at this point i just retied the top down so i figure ill wake up in the morning and see it up right. and still no signs of sex.

as you can see all is going well, how long you guys think itll be till they show sex?

cheers, DW.



Well-Known Member
I'd say maybe within the next week or so. Check around the new growth for signs, that's where Esme had her first preflower. All is looking well though.