First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

magic alex

Active Member
its only on 3 of the fan leaves near the bottom of my plant. they started turning yellow with little brown spots. what could this be from? should i be worried? should i clip them off?



Well-Known Member
need more info bro....are you using nutes? how old is the plant? what is your watering schedule? room temps? could be a lot of things:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The brown can be nutes if you're feeding... if you are don't till 3-4 weeks..I'm a little curious about that foil... If you're using soil.. you want to have air at the bottom of stem....for the soil to dry & not stay mold... IMO

magic alex

Active Member
its around 3 weeks old, im not sure. im using miracle grow potting mix with a high nitrogen number. im watering it once a day and i had been using a product called superthrive(its got plant hormones and vitamins in it) diluted in the water everyday, but since the yellowing leaves i thought that might be the cause so i decided to cut the superthive watering to every other day and water with just water the other days, but i just started that today.
and the shed its in stays about 92 degrees. and im using a regular grow light.


Well-Known Member
first of all what is a regular grow light? second your shed is too hot and third...dont nute them yet...they are too little and the mg soil already has plenty of nutes in it for now...give em a flush and two more weeks before the superthrive again. should be good from there...but get your temps down if possible

magic alex

Active Member
ok thanks.
the bulb im using is from lowes, it said grow light on the box.
and what temp should i aim for?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks.
the bulb im using is from lowes, it said grow light on the box.
and what temp should i aim for?
does it say if it is a metal halide or a high pressure sodium light? the temp you wanna shoot for is mid to upper 70's but my growroom can at times get to mid 80''s never for more than 3 hours though


Well-Known Member
metal halide. i couldn't find sodium bulbs at the stores in my town, that's what i looked for.
MH will work for veg and will work for flower too...but you wont get the big buds without HPS. do you have a way to order a hps online? it is well worth it:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
it will make a huge difference...if you dont have the cash the mh will work but when you can get yourself at least a 400 watt hps :mrgreen:

magic alex

Active Member
haha alright. thanks for the advise. i didnt know how much of a difference it would make but ill sure be tryin harder to find a job now!