First Time Poster Looking for a electrician for help with Load center Diagram!!!

OK so im sorry it took so long but i got the pictures of the heater wiring and i found a 240 plug and some romex so what do you guys think is this do able?2011-12-10 17.30.17.jpg
So I went to home depot got some wire nuts and put them on the wires for my 240 outlet. I matched the white to white, black to black, ground to ground. I thought i was done and plugged my ballast in to check for power and nothing happened, after bowl or two later i came up with the idea that maybe it was connected to the thermostat on the wall. So sure enough i turned the knob and the ballast clicked on. Now my question is is this OK? I took some pics but it looks like there are only two wires being fed into the box that pigtail into the thermostat controller i'm assuming. I was reading a thread a few days back about a similar issue but i cant seem to find it now and don't remember what the final verdict on this issue was, so i'm kinda "in the dark" i'm more way than one until i can get a response. Thanks for reading :)

2011-12-11 19.32.24.jpg2011-12-11 19.32.50.jpg2011-12-11 19.33.28.jpg


Well-Known Member
the red wire is just a pigtail coming off the thermostat? sorry but you wont be able to do what you want w/ that. you could convert it to a single 110 volt 20 amp outlet or rewire your lights for 220.either way will power your lights if the existing plugs in the room are enough to run your other equipment.
Unoho69 posted 2 pictures in this thread, the 1st shows what you have,the 2nd shows what you need to get 2 20 amp 110 circuits. your circiut was run w/ 12/2 romex so they used the black wire as 1 hot leg and the white as the other hot leg,that works for 220 but to get your 2 110 circiuts you would need 2 hot legs and a neutral.
you can use what you have but you will be maxed out w/ no room to expand or run a new wire back to your breakerbox.
ok thx cow well i am still planning on building a light controller so it is only temporary it needs to work for a a couple weeks and then ill be in a position to purchase the remaining pieces for my controller. So i guess my question is will this work i dont have anything accept my 1000w light plug into it everything else is run off the plugs in the room. I just dont wanna burn my house down so if that is a definate outcome ill unhook it but i dont really have any other way to run that light.


Well-Known Member
to power a single 1000? no problem. 1st kill the breaker & wire a standard 110 outlet in place of the thermostat. leave off the wires going to the heater. next open the breakerbox & you will see a black wire going to 1 side of the breaker, a white wire to the other, & the bare copper going to a terminal strip. depending on the age of the box, you may have a seperate terminal strip for the white wires or they may be on the same strip as the ground wires. move the white to the appropiate strip. since this is temporary, you can use 1 side of the 220 breaker. (or take the breaker to electric store & buy proper 110 breaker)
when you set up the controller,you will need to run a new wire back to the panel.