First time poster. Problem with clone.


This is my first post but have some experience. This is the first problem I've had between 2 grows. Some info...

100w cfl 6500k
76 degrees during day 64 at night
Himidty between 35-45
Constant flow of fresh air
Distilled water
20/4 light schedule
Atleast 1 month old(I'd say 5 weeks)

This was a gift from a friend and I've had it for 1 week. Another close friend said it was nitrogen deficiency So I gave it 1/2 strength nova yesterday and I got burning on the tips.

24hrs after I got it

Today 1/30



Active Member
oh that looks sad... How old is the cutting? did it have roots before it went into the rockwool?


No im led to believe it was cloned in the rockwool. And being as old as it is, it should have developed roots correct? I got this from a respectable grower.


Well-Known Member
Since you already know the gender, it might not hurt to replant it in a bigger pot. The little pots are way too sensitive to overwatering and every other problem you can encounter.


Active Member
For clones I use jiffy pellets, once the roots pop out of them they are ready for rockwool or whatever. I think the roots arent developed enough for the rockwool.
I put my fresh cut clones in the peat pellets then into ziplock baggies they work like little greenhouses, run lights 24/0 and keep the baggies blown up with air like balloons, works every time. you could try putting a dome over it to raise the humidity. but it may be to far gone, I would ask for another and try again.


Keep in mind I didn't clone it. Also the pictures were taken right before watering. I water every 48hours give or take depending how dry it gets. And I'm on a water, water, feed, water, water, feed. Schedule. Only used the nutes once and got the burning on the tips. That's at 1/2 strength (1/4tsp)

new smokey

Active Member
When I clone I leave nothing but the top folage on and trim them back about 40%. Doing this it takes more of the plants energy to shoot roots instead of trying to keep all the folage alive. To me it looks like you may have left to much on. As for nutes the only thing i ever give it is hormones to promote rooting. The clone looks real sad hope it pulls through. Good luck.


New Member
whoever was growing this one messed up in the first place before they gave it to you. Because then they dident properly instruct you how to grow in rockwool you either need to put it in some dirt or get it in a hydroponic setup so it can start getting constant flow of nuts. As for this clone..............Toss it............ its toast id just cut a new one directly to dirt that has always been the easiest way for me.

EDIT:after you get it properly rooted i assumed you were past the Initial rooting stage.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
also night temps are to low. never go below 70 degrees. and this is a 5 week old cutr should be way way bigger than this. should be a full grown plant by now at 5 weeks, humidity is to low also. need to be up around 55% to 60% and no mention of what pH you use. that wool should never dry like that


Currently I run my exhaust on 24/7 I'll switch it to the light schedule. That should help night temps. Also I think your assuming the cube is a lot dryer than you think. I currently do NOT have a ph tester so I'm unsure. I'm working on getting humidity up. Right now I'm using moist towels around the plants and that brought it up to 40 (from high 20's).

I kinda thought that the cube should be put in soil but wasn't positive. I have fox farm ocean forest and a 2 or 3 gallon bucket. Should I put the cube in there?

It wasn't cloned at this size. I saw them a week into cloning and they were much smaller. They grew to this size in whatever he had them in. Which I'm not sure entirely what that was. Haven't seen much growth since I got it. The new growth is still green and healthy (looking)

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well youl continue to struggle without a ph pen. i wouldnt put it in soil till it has roots showing out of the wools, and 2 to 3 gal is way big for a plant that size. id do no more than a 1 gal for now


To be honest I'm not sure what size the bucket is. I know I know I need a ph tester! And I don't want to transplant this more than once. I'd like a 1.5-2 ft at the end of flowering

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you wont have any plant if you dont get the ph, your worryin about the wrong tools for the trade. its like a mechanic with a


Well-Known Member
One time watering every 48 hours?--Thats the problem.
What you will want to do is stick yours finger down into the soil on the side of the bucket and if you feel any moisture you don't need to water. Don't be surprised if this takes four or five days. This encourages your roots to grow more with the energy it has in search of the remaining water. With that ocean forest though you already have enough nutrients in the soil and if you feed that clone right away you'll probably kill it off the rest of the way. Just use pure water for probably about the first two weeks

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
what about the bottom of the pot that also needs to be dry. finger meathod is old ways. lift the pot to feel the weight is way more accurate. finger way is usualy why i see so many have ph issues from being to wet to often. and no way to judge how many days as thats room conditions and soils compaction and amoutn watered each tiem and pot size.