Because OP makes poor life choices whiteflies have been an issue since the get go. Spent lots of time traveling in the early stages unable to monitor. Have tried with success (at least in controlling or knocking down the population some) most of the common solutions. Neem earlier on in veg, physical removal, aggressive monitoring when I am home etc. I even got a perfect little handheld vacuum that at least helps me feel better murking all the adults I can. Anyway, here's where I hope I might have stumbled across something... As I am utilizing a small space and occasionally want to jettison moisture quickly or simply want to "stir things up" i have at times used what I would have to call "dramatic overkill air circulation". Way beyond my normal fan setup, I have a few times introduced this 4 foot tall contractor fan that just blasts the space with heavy heavy wind. I usually have only used it for maybe an hour at a time as it does seem generally way to intense to be useful and too late in the game could knock off trichs for sure. What I HAVE observed is that the moment the gale force winds stop its like every adult whitefly is releived and seemingly almost has to take a little fly. It would seem these guys are having to burn a LOT of energy clinging for dear life whenever everything is getting rocked. So todays potential hypothesis: Could an extended period of heavy heavy winds actually kill a population of white flys through exhaustion?? Of course I can think of complications but if it worked it would also be a completely chemical free solution to a flying insect problem. Anyone ever tried it? I don't think I have much to lose at this point... Thanks for tolerating a long rant first post!