first time questions

i know the end result of the buds has alot to do with genetics, but i am curious as to what nutes really bring out the trichomes and make the buds look super hazey? another question i have too is if seed comes from what may have been a herm plant with the seeds do the same or what would the chances be of getting fem plants from them?
I am not sure there is a simple answer for the first question, but my suggestion is to start with a quality product that comes recommended to you from a good local hydro shop. Start with the Basic/Recommended feed program from one manufacture and after you feel you comfortable with them, slowly (one at a time) branch out from there if wanted. that way you get a quality grow with out 30 bottles of snake oil you just don't know what do.

To the second question herm'd female plants that self pollinate and create seeds only have one set of genes/phenotypes to work with (there own), so 99% of the time the seeds will grow a clone of the mother/parent. But what caused the plant to morph sexes on you? Did you spray it with something specific to stress it into the change, or did it happen naturally on its own? Some plants are prone to such week genetics like Haze and Thai that are bad cannadates for such seed production. Such a plant would most likely always produce heavily herm'd offspring that would never recover. But some stronger plants that are forced into such seed production may only have a few if any unstable tendency's, and could then be breed to remove such weak genes, like the infamous Cinderella Clone-Only cut that was back crossed (herm'd and breed back to it self) 99 times to create C99 a very stable seed form of a Clone.
the seeds that i had were from some white widow the bud was good it was just full of seeds this is my first year growing and was excited to have so many seeds. i am just hoping that the plants i have now wont turn out the same


Active Member
The history of the plant has little or no effect of the offspring( as far as male & female goes). The overall dynamic's do carry on. So if you are happy with the out come then continue. One the tactics of breeding new strain to "force" a "fem" seed to males or hemies to get seeds. Your a step ahead and just be careful on your nutes and document everything so you can repeat. A sign of a good breeder is to measure and to record all aspects of the it can be replicated again and again.