First time serious outdoor grow


I have several years of experience growing outdoors, mostly guerrilla growing with mediocre results.. Last year i moved to my own land and tried growing in a tent with far better results, but still with many mistakes.. I grew autoflowers, no training at all except some defoliation, didn't know that pH of soil is important for nutrients intake, that you shouldn't water them until top layer od soil is dry..

This year i want to try it more seriously.
Already got a lot of experience with my first indoor grow, but outdoor still brings extra questions.

1) my first concern is duration of direct sunlight.
On pic you can see my garden and my old tent.
Of course i would buy bigger tent now, that one is absolutely to small..

I checked old photos of the garden to see how long does sun shines here..
(I live at 46.1 North latitude)
The problem is mainly the forest on the right, which cast shadows soon..
And the building which blocks morning sun..
Direct sunlight:
June, July. From 9am to 5pm
August, mid September. From 10am to 4pm
October from 11am to 3pm

June, july, no problem since its still veg, direct sunlight means the most while glowering right?
So, would this place have enough direct sunlight to grow?

2) which strain?
Due to limited direct sunlight growing early finishing strain would be in order right?
Any suggestions? Of course high yealding :D

3) growing technique
The tent I'm looking to buy (bigger version of the one on pic) is only 2m high. So training is obligatory in my opinion.
I was really impressed by this guy, who makes it look very easy..

My plan is to do something similar.
To keep them low, so topping and lst.
Anyone here did something similar?
What would you recommend for growing in such tent?
Probably i should order seeds soon, March will be here soon.

4) i was thinking of buying a big, 4x6m tent, so i could also grow tomatoes inside as well. Is this smart or i could risk some additional pests/diseases with tomatoes in same tent?

Oriented to South.
My best yield came from my Black Domina plant I had in a 88L garbage can that had a few holes drilled around it. I live near Hamilton and I topped my girl at the 6th node, placed a tomato cage around her and let her stretch. Once the arms were long enough, I use the green foam covered garden wire to train her to the cage and some tied to the handle and other pilot wholes on top of the garbage can. I yielded from a plant I started from seed in the beginning of May over 180pg wet or a pound dried. This was by about mid October when I harvested. One small piece of mold, but big chunky buds


did ok with Barney’s Farm Glookies too about a week later. No grow issues with that strain either
Wow, nice plant you got there.
Years ago i got one freebe black domina seed. Did guerrilla grow. Yeald was 9g.. But totally my fault, only i gallon hole and no nutrients..

What did you feed her?