• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek


Well-Known Member
im going to have to do this now..it seems so simple with nice rewards.

WBS..any specific kind? or any wild birdseed mix? im clueless..im sorry
also, where do you find tyvek?

and Kush, you said
"take an aluminum pan (I use 8 x 8 )and fill with the WBS and verm at about 2 in deep and spread it out as even as you can. Now, take foil and cover up the tin and poke a few small holes in the top so it can breath. Put back in the FC and within 3 days it should be fully colonized."

do you mix the myceilum in with the wbs and verm or a layer of myceilum ontop and then cover that with a quarter inch of verm?

i will start to get the materials i need together and try my hand at casings

thanks for all info people:peace::joint::mrgreen:
I use 'Morning Song' Gourmet WBS from Wal-Mart...comes in a 20lb bag. The bag has a pic of a cardinal with a chef's hat on.

The myc is the wbs, just mix it with equal parts of moist verm... 3/4 jar of WBS to 3/4 jar of moist verm.....mix them together in the zip-loc pour in your tray, cover with foil and wait till the WBS has turned almost solid white. Usually 3 days. Then add 1/4 in of moist verm on top and put in the FC.


Well-Known Member
thanks Kush
i should have realized the myc grows in the wbs..sorry:oops:
the picture really helps so thanks again, i will check the local walmart and see what theyve got.
im having some problems with temps in my fc so i will need to sort that out before starting up with this cake project, but i promise im going to do it.

now a bit of an update..
a cold front came through and it got down to the mid 30s
FC temp was at 56 this morning...burrr!
I dont know what else to do to keep my temp up...this house gets fucking freezing during the winter..and i refuse to turn on the heater after last winters electricity bills and its got to be constantly heating the house to combat the cold that creeps in..my house sucks
so when i can i will get another aquarium heater and hope it solves this on going problem.

any tips or ideas are always appreciated

and ive got some pics. shots of the whole cakes so you can see all the little shrooms, shots of the weird shrooms that i dont really understand what or how they are doing, and shots of some more normal looking shrooms



Well-Known Member
a cold front came through and it got down to the mid 30s
FC temp was at 56 this morning...burrr!
I dont know what else to do to keep my temp up

Well in this situation you have 1 of a few choices...
turn on your heat to a modest 60 or so...humans and appliances should help to boost it to the mid sixties...

Get a small heat type lamp and a thermometer near the top of the FC...

Anything in or near 65f will work but try for mid 70s...I just dont like heat lamps because they can frig it all up if you leave and the heat rises...

Or a heat rock or mat like a heat pad on low or small electric blanket...

remember low low low setting only...and put a buffer zone between heat source and FC

Example...if using mat put it under fc and suspend FC over it on something like a little table...dont let heat source actually TOUCH the FC...a larger heat source like a heater 5 feet away or so with a fan blowing warm air in the direction works the best and is most reliable...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Misterdogman :)
have 3 2" stems left and I just cant do it.
going to try the peanut butter sandwich....
but already kickin in strong :shock::shock::shock: Oh Yeah

Congrats on the first time shroomin man!!!!!! I just now got o and read the posts from earlier. I'm thinkin you may be coming down by now, maybe not? Hope you have had fun, if so, I'm sure you'll be wanting to eat more soon lol I always do. I have found that the best ways to eat them are:
1.(wet) chop them up real small, and put them on a double cheeseburger. If they are chopped you don't notice the chewness, and it will just taste like a burger with mushrooms on it. Seriously
2.(dry) grind them up in a weed grinder, into a powder, and add it to about a mouthfull of very cold OJ. Shake up, and swallow, the pulp in the OJ hides the mushroom powders texture(this is why you shake it). Also the strong acid taste of the OJ hides the mushroom flavor.

Just my 2 cents, but I've been VERY happy with these methods.:peace:


Well-Known Member

This is what I had for dinner the other night :) . 48 grams of freshly picked bliss:mrgreen:
I had taken about 1500mg of vitamin C about an hour before to help bring
out the colors. The trip was mild compared to LSD, but still extremely enjoyable. Lots of colors, visuals were smooth and tranquil. I spent half the evening outside admiring the stillness, Noticing the subtle differences of light and darkness and all the shadows in between. The other half of my time was spent listening - Listening is not right, more like feeling various tracks of Pink floyd, Different notes would change patterns different colors.

What is the best way to dry your shrooms, I could google it, but what works best for you?
I tried them fresh and am certain they could gagg a maggot. Next time I plan on drying and possibly grinding to powder.



Well-Known Member
Well man sounds like you had a good time, and a great dinner. Glad you enjoyed! I only dryed a couple, I ate most of mine wet, just cus the cheeseburger was an easy method and that meant I got to eat them the night I picked them. lol, I never had enough at one time to save and dry some except once. That time, I put a couple I had left from the night before, onto a couple sheets of newpaper, and set it in the sun. I let them set for about 2 days in summer sunlight. They were pretty damn dry when they were done. If you had a bunch I beleive many people put them on a drying screen with air moving over them.

I started grinding them and adding them to the little bit of oj cus usually if I happen to find shrooms to buy they are dry. I have found that to be a very simple and effective method.

How long did you trip for yesterday? When I grew mine, I had a strain of amazonian. I ate like 6 premature shrooms the first flush. I was anxious, had been waiting awhile, and didn't realize HOW premature they were until later. Boy did I miss out. I tripped balls, but off of 6 mushrooms. Had I let them go about another 3-4 days given the right weather, They would have tripled in size thats how young they were. Oh well it was my first grow, and I'm still learnin. From future flushs I only ate 2 full size shrooms and got about the same effect as the 6 small ones, if not more.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...aborts and mutants are usually some ass kickers. As for hiding the taste, I use an herb grinder and grind it up and chase it with something to drink. I cant stand chewing them up, unless they were just picked!


Well-Known Member
i put a little heater infront of the fc so it blows hot air on the glass
works great! temp has been 72-73 since
and the shrooms were thankful and grew a nice bit

im not sure when to pick them. I know before the veil opens and spores get dumped everywhere but some of the buttons are like inside out and shit so im not really sure when you can tell when these are ready.

1-they responded nicely to the warmer climate
2-is that tall shroom at the point im looking for to pick? or getting close?
3-this little clusterfuck kind of scares me..but im wondering what caused that coloring and is that from bruising? i think some water drops might have fallen and hit it.
4-some of the half inside out looking heads
5-more shrooms
6-dunk and roll is killing the birth and fruit

let me know when to pick some of these pleasekiss-ass:eyesmoke::peace:



Well-Known Member
You want to pick as soon as the thin viel starts to tear from the base of the cap. Unless you want to take some prints, but they are the most potent before the viel breaks. When they start dropping spores, they are done producing psilocybian and psilocin.


Well-Known Member
Shroom potency has no definitive reasoning, the harvest before the veil breaks is more for the prevention of spores falling and making everything black or purple...

People equate this and the dehydrating methods used to explain the potency level...

Unless your using a rhizomorphic isolate you will get different phenotypes of shrooms just like in weed, some short some fat some tall, some strong and some weak, just like in humans.

There is no noticable degradation in shrooms ive harvested right when the veil was breaking and some harvested after they long dropped spores...
same goes for some dried at 95f or 135f,
I would more likely attribute these flucuations to the phenos of each individual shroom rather than when it was picked or how it was dried.


Well-Known Member
Shroom potency has no definitive reasoning, the harvest before the veil breaks is more for the prevention of spores falling and making everything black or purple...

People equate this and the dehydrating methods used to explain the potency level...

Unless your using a rhizomorphic isolate you will get different phenotypes of shrooms just like in weed, some short some fat some tall, some strong and some weak, just like in humans.

There is no noticable degradation in shrooms ive harvested right when the veil was breaking and some harvested after they long dropped spores...
same goes for some dried at 95f or 135f,
I would more likely attribute these flucuations to the phenos of each individual shroom rather than when it was picked or how it was dried.
Well, The Mushroom Cultivator states that they stop producing when the veil breaks. Im not trying to argue with you, Im just going by what the book says.


Well-Known Member
ive been looking around but cant really find what im looking for so ill just ask you guys
should you pick everything off of the cake or should i pick the largest, most mature shrooms and leave the smaller ones to grow?

me and my girl are wanting to eat a few for a mild trip tomorrow night
is this possible? and whats a normal amount to take if they arent dried?


Well-Known Member
I doubt they will dry fast enough for you to have for tomorrow. Not sure how the picking process works. Nice job btw


Well-Known Member
hey thanks dangreen.

i just picked a few of the larger mutated ones..26gs wet, left the others to keep growing.

im under the impression that they dont take too long to dry..a few days, but yes that would not be enough time to have them dry..but ill probably eat them semi dried unless someone convinces me to wait until theyre dry

i have to be honest, im pretty scared to eat some of these, they look fucking evil:fire:



Well-Known Member
Wow those look crazy, I've eaten shrooms not all the way dry and it still gets you tore up. Those look like they will get the job done :fire:.


Well-Known Member
Well, The Mushroom Cultivator states that they stop producing when the veil breaks. Im not trying to argue with you, Im just going by what the book says.
Yeah and Stamets himself has updated the knowledge he had when it was written also. Not like hes the all knowing shroom god which people regurgitate his stuff like he is...he also suggests incubating at 86f which is when most Mycelium STOPS colonizing...
so basically that book is outdated. Colonize below 82F... 75f is great.
But at the time that book was written the info was new and not all understood...and people still thought PF TEK was the best way too.


Well-Known Member
ive been looking around but cant really find what im looking for so ill just ask you guys
should you pick everything off of the cake or should i pick the largest, most mature shrooms and leave the smaller ones to grow?

me and my girl are wanting to eat a few for a mild trip tomorrow night
is this possible? and whats a normal amount to take if they arent dried?
Usually Ive noticed a 90% drop in weight wet to dry. So 100gm will be 8-10 gms when dried with most species but this varies. A good rule is Grams to Ounces. 28gms will be close to 2.8 dried...And I doubt you want to eat 30 wet gms to trip equivilent to 3gms...GROSS to choke down because when wet they have more taste...

And you can pick some and leave others, just grab base and twist...but be clean this invites contams, and if you got a casing cover the spots you make picking them...hope u have fun


Well-Known Member
thanks misterdogman

ive eaten fresh shrooms a few times, never enjoyed it but managed to get them down the hatch
i would rather eat them dry but time is of the essence..i would like to trip tomorrow and then wait like a week and do it again hopefully with some dry shrooms

how about dosage, whats average? will it be enough for me and my girl to have a decent trip..if we each eat 13gs wet? maybe i should pick a few more :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well he said that 30 drys to about 3 grams. I usually eat about 3-4 grams dry when I trip. So it dosage depends on your preferance. I'm telling you though if you wanna eat them wet, chop them up well, and put them in the middle of a double cheese burger. Its great, like a shroom and swiss burger from BK. Hope you enjoy JG!!