First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek


Well-Known Member
the 3 WBS jars i innoculated recently all have good growth..a few days and ill give them a good shake

a few of the BRF jars look a bit odd. everything is white, but it looks like a thicker white has grown over some parts and next to it looks almost 'cob webbish'
i tried to get some pics but they werent showing anything and then the camera died


Well-Known Member
lol I know that there are differant types of myc growth, kinda like differant types of cells. I don't know what the differances are though. I think this is a ???? for Kush our resident shroom guru.


Well-Known Member
i know theres the stringy kind and cottony kind of myc
but ive never seen this before, it looks like the myc is growing over myc
i dont know, at least everything is still white

i dont know if Kush will be able to tell me whats going on from my explanation
if not ill try to get pics


Well-Known Member
Ya tough to say. Getting pics of the shit can be a pain in the ass. I found my first growth this morning, but I couldn't get a picture to really show it. I'll wait a few more days then hopefully it will be more visible. I also need to get some vinegar to clean off the outside of the jars. They still have alittle of the calcium from PCing them, and it makes it harder to see the growth.


Well-Known Member
well might be overlay...and if it is cobweb...peroxide will take care of it once you take em out of the jars. Just get a spray bottle and mix 50/50 water and peroxide..and lightly mist...if it fizzes its cobweb....if it dont...nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Look at that, he did have an answer even with out pics, lol. Whats overlay, new growth over the old? Does this mean anything?


Well-Known Member
overlay-A condition of the casing where myc has been allowed to completely cover the surface. Overlay is caused by prolonged vegetive growth tempatures, high CO2 levels, and excessive humidity.

basicly overlay is caused by CO2 build up, and high temps...if the myc isnt gettin enough fresh will form a thick white matt that will totally cover your substrate..and WILL NOT PIN!


Well-Known Member
hmmm..well that doesnt sound good
no pins=no mushies
not exactly what we are aiming for

anything I can do? Should i birth them early and scrap anything not colonized off?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm growing shrooms for the first time too. I just birthed one of my cakes into the fruiting chamber yesterday. How long does it take for them to start pinning?


Well-Known Member
JG if you look in the center of the pic...the white blob is overlay...the pins will grow around it, but not on it.
This tray is pinnin like crazy!


Well-Known Member
kush youve got a kick ass pin set on that casing man..i cant wait to see them grow up over the next couple of days

im getting you some pics right now..


Well-Known Member
ok these are the 5 BRF cakes.
left to right, least to most colonized

and these are shots of what i am concerned about

this is the one almost colonized

WBS after shaking

LC with black specks and it looks like there is a crack in the jar:-|

Recently innoculated WBS jars

and a Hendrix picture I did earlier in the year that I still havent finished


Well-Known Member
Yep...looks like overlay. One thing you can do before dunkin...take a fork and scrape the thick growth off(it will probably turn blue from bruising) but just dont get into the cake. Dunk...roll..and you will be good to go! After doing wbs, you probably wont be going back to cakes!


Well-Known Member
god damn overlay!
scrap the shit off and crumble into a tray
should i dunk the cakes before i crumble them up?

still cant rep you yet...but its coming:mrgreen::peace: