First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek


Well-Known Member
Ive got some seeds from a hermi from my 1st grow and this past grow..
and a few seeds from some different danks
just random seeds really
ill throw any seed in the dirt and see what happens, it really doesnt matter since none are an actual strain

Ive got a sandwich bag almost full of seeds from brick weed


Active Member
i got some of the B+ and Penus Envy from earthstongue they are really nice but take a lil while so its not worth paying for the overnight shipping


Active Member
are you able to grow the mushrooms in a bag or a cup.. i have seen some people on youtube do it but they didnt have any instructions


Well-Known Member
i lost the last 2 wbs jars to the green ninja
myc was blowing up after i shook the jars but it looks like the seeds busted or opened and the green mold is growing from those
i'll start a new batch tomorrow and try again, maybe pints

the LC looks ok...still got the white clump with black specks sitting near the bottom but now theres another clump and its all white, floating in the middle

And for the casing, my FC is not wanting to hold in the humidity..I keep misting but its been slowly dropping. I think that maybe its from the heater blowing hot dry air at it.
RH is down to 75%. Sacrifice humidity or temperature?


Well-Known Member
the jars didnt seem too moist..i didnt see any water when i was turning the jars
no big gaps in the FC, it seems to be sealed well enough but maybe not


Well-Known Member
That is basically what seems to be happening to the 2 jars I think might be contaminated. Seems like some of the seeds split when I shook them, and no there might be some green coming out of the split in the seed.


Well-Known Member
My cake is still not pinning, patience I guess. I should be adding another cake to the chamber in 3-4 days, its almost fully colonized. The half pint jars that I made with mycelium culture are colonizing FAST! I should have them in the chamber in a week or so. I am going to do mycelium culture from now on, it grows much faster so there is lower risk of contamination. I also like these half pint jars better than the full pint.


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet new growth. Sorry its not pinning, but the colonized ones are sweet. I'm gonna be doing a myc transfer in the next week. I lost 2 of my KS jars today to the green ninja! So I'm gonna use one of the other 4 to myc transfer 6 more jars of KS.


Well-Known Member
humidity keeps slipping lower and lower but there is condesation all over the sides and top when i open it up to mist:confused:

the casing is starting to show some white fuzz coming through, hopefully everything stays on track and we get some pins showing soon


Well-Known Member
my humidity stays kinda low too, because I keep my heat set on 70 all the time. Cant wait to see some pins!
good to know, i was a little worried.
when i open to mist, it feels humid..temp as been stable at about 72-74
ive been keeping a close eye but everything seems good


Well-Known Member
I have pins!!! Yay! I played with the cake a bit the other day and noticed that the top way drying out a bit. So I flipped it over in the fruiting chamber, the mycelium had grown into the pearlite quite a bit. Now I have pins all over what used to be the bottom of the cake poking through the pearlite. :mrgreen: Hopefully they will grow into beautiful shrooms! I can't stop checking it now, I'm so excited! This has been really cool I never thought growing shrooms would be such a fun learning experience. Thanks for all your help so far too guys! :peace:


Well-Known Member
congrats on the pins NewGrowth!
did you have your cakes sitting on something or straight ontop of the perlite?
the cakes will wick up the moisture from the perlite if they arent sitting ontop of something


Well-Known Member
they will pin from the bottom of cakes alot because of the moisture trapped under the cake. You will see this growing in tubs when you use the tub itsself as a fc, because of water collecting around the edges from misting the fc.