First time shroomin, advice plox

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
ok so my brother my friend and i are going to be trying shrooms for the first time. apparently they are legit, hopefully that is true. but none the less this is our plan.

to save some money we are splitting a quarter 3 ways. thats 30$ each so 90$ for a quarter. how is this pricing compared to yours?

so we wanna magic bullet it with some OJ and pour it evenly 3 ways. that should be like 2.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 g's per person. that should be sufficient for a virgin voyage ey?
They dose sounds perfect, the price is high ($10/gram for small amounts around here), and the method of ingestion doesn't sound too bad.. Be prepared for some gritty ass orange juice. lol

Good luck and have fun :joint:
yeah everything where i live seems to be more expensive. new jersey is gay like that. lol i didnt expect it to taste good any way but i can chug it gag a lil and be set.

how long should i expect to trip for?
You feel great after about 30 min.

You notice visuals about an hour in.

You will blow your and your friends' mind through simple conversations about life for the next 2-3 hours.

The come down is very pleasant, smoke some weed and reflect for the next hour or so.
He's right price is double what i would pay for even for good shrooms but they might be really good (hopefully).
grinding i would not do,but just eat them in one gulp,and drink that oj,
and for 90 i would try to get a zip.
90 for a quarter is expensive
i sell them at $50

have fun brah

do you deliver???:dunce: lol but yeah its madd butt, after this first trip ill deff be lookin into growing my own, then i can sell for $90 a Q and become a cash money millionaire:bigjoint:

thanks ill let yall know how it goes. as of now i'm unemployed so i can trip whenever but my bro has a job at wendys so i think we're waiting till wednesday?

im really lookin forward to it!
When you are on a motorcycle and you are driving towards a body of water you will notice that there's a spot where the air goes from warm to cool. This belt, where the warm air meets the cool air is, most likely will be where you will find shrooms. If you are going to set up an op for shrooms you will have to consider a few things. I find shrooms all the time, even in Ontario.
When you are on a motorcycle and you are driving towards a body of water you will notice that there's a spot where the air goes from warm to cool. This belt, where the warm air meets the cool air is, most likely will be where you will find shrooms. If you are going to set up an op for shrooms you will have to consider a few things. I find shrooms all the time, even in Ontario.

ooook dude
When you are on a motorcycle and you are driving towards a body of water you will notice that there's a spot where the air goes from warm to cool. This belt, where the warm air meets the cool air is, most likely will be where you will find shrooms. If you are going to set up an op for shrooms you will have to consider a few things. I find shrooms all the time, even in Ontario.

thanks for the info., I'm just concerned of grabbing the wrong mushroom and end up taking a dirt nap.
ya i get my boomers for 25 bucks an 8th.
a 1/4 for $50
a half ounce for $75

that sucks they are that much....maybe they are cyanescens? if they totoally dumb the dose down.
cuz cyanescenes for a first time should eat 2-2.5 grams at the most.

if they are cubensis, youll be good with splitting a 1/4 with three people.

after you eat the mushrooms (id eat them all at once to get it over with)
in about 30 minutes youll start to feel.....'goofy'
then youll start to get amazing feelings and visuals.
walk around outside and smoke a few bowls or joints.

youll have an awesome time.
thanks man, yeah i got some even better news on the price. 100 a q, i wanna kill the kid. we're being robbed, unfortunately its the only connect :(