First Time, Small Scale, Super Secret!


Well-Known Member
and i tell u summt this new soil ive got is the best ive ever seen by far,,dont need perlite or verm at all, this shit is the bollox, ive done some reading about and it seems alot better than ff soils, but i suppose ff still has alot ov fans
(not if they tryed this tho
its a really big seller if not the best seller in the dam, home ov the ganj
the white peat in it is some fine shit,
the soil its self is oxygenating,,
both drainage and retention is bang on
its made in holland
u can buy it pre nute
or no nutes
or a totaly 100% organic pre nute,,

CANNA TERRA PROFESIONALL PLUS...........................
ITS 15 POUND FOR 50LTRS... dunno how many dollers it is
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.................................


Well-Known Member
lovely zinnias, growman3666, I hope you get some nice flowers!

My planties are almost tall enough to take some clones from. Thing is, I really don't want to spend the time and money to set up separate flowering/vegging chambers. I may just put them into flowering as is, and reveg them afterwards if the smoke is good. I've read a few revegging forums, and despite the hatred for reveg setups, those who do it seem pretty happy with their results.

Why is revegging bad?


Well-Known Member
revegging is bad because not only does it take a long time to put a plant back in the veg state after it has had it buds picked but will stress the plant out so that it grows very abnormally if done right can work fine maybe getting a third less bud from each plant then the previous harvest, Some strains can handle this better than others


Well-Known Member
lol sorry I've been gone, I'm studying for a crazy exam and haven't been too active here on RIU. Anyhoo, despite the controversy I've put my plants into 12/12 under 2500K. Mostly I just didn't feel like putting the time and money into a separate flowering area. I'm aware of the drawbacks of flowering and revegging, but really, if I can just get some free-ish bud out of this project, I'll be happy. If my plants bud, harvest, and survive revegging, AND the bud is tasty, I'll take clones and set up a flowering area and make moms etc etc etc.

So here's my plants!

I've been using some clear plastic as splints to keep them upright. They're just rectangles of various lengths with a little "V" cut into the top for the stem to rest on. I've had to use them less and less as the stems get stronger and the plants stay straight up.

I'm keeping the soil moist with a splash of water every other day or so...turns out the mushroom I grew was probably due to overwatering.

They seem fairly happy. The one in the lower right with just cotyledons isn't doing much. Her "true leaves" were just pointy little white pistil thingies that didn't develop, so I don't know what's gonna happen...we'll see!

The biggest plants have single triangle leaves, then a second node with three triangle leaves, and a third node with baby five triangle leaves.

Growth has been rather slow. I'm thinking I'll get a spurt of growth once the roots find the nute rich MG that surrounds the peat pellet. I'm in no real hurry :mrgreen:

Thanks for keeping up with me! :bigjoint:

Best of luck to all you growers :hug:



Well-Known Member
ah, it has been awhile. The little one died, and one of them turned out to be male. I now have four stinky females, each with a single bud site which grows a bit each day. My main problem has been heat. I've semi-solved it by freezing water in large tupperware containers, and just leaving them near the plants. with careful arranging, I can reduce the heat from 100+ to a more palatable 80. Fairly soon, the closet with the plants will be air conditioned, but hopefully I still get some smokables! As it is, I have a small bowl's worth, if I were to harvest now (no chance of that!)

Pics soon!


Well-Known Member
ah, it has been awhile. The little one died, and one of them turned out to be male. I now have four stinky females, each with a single bud site which grows a bit each day. My main problem has been heat. I've semi-solved it by freezing water in large tupperware containers, and just leaving them near the plants. with careful arranging, I can reduce the heat from 100+ to a more palatable 80. Fairly soon, the closet with the plants will be air conditioned, but hopefully I still get some smokables! As it is, I have a small bowl's worth, if I were to harvest now (no chance of that!)

Pics soon!
fuck dude long time no post, good to hear that you've got some females!!! Hope the closet gets air conditioned soon man, it must take a while to perfectly arrange the tupperware containers each time you move something.

Looking forward to some pics of the ladies bongsmiliebongsmilie
Game plan:
1. Let the plant get to about day 16 post-germination (praying for a lady...)
2. tie down the top so it's nearly horizontal
3. switch to 12/12 lighting[/QUOTE]

What do mean when you say tie down the top. Im a new grower and i am working in a 2x2x3 foot space, so obviously im looking to maximize what lil space i have. Loveing what your doing so far bro this thread is kicking ASS.

Yours In Mary :weed: