First Time South Florida grower

I've read a lot of website info on how to grow and am just gettin all the into and methods I can.. What can I say I'm a sponge lol. So I would like to know good outside strains for my area. I'm in south fla. Also I'm looking for good outside grow methods and where to get good quality seeds and materials.. I'm tired of my connect not having what I want and would like it only for personal or recreational use with friends. Thanks. -budlover561:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Can't help with the outside strains. But seeds can be gotten from the seed banks, I think Attitude and Nirvana ship to the US, ordered a few times from attitude with no problems, haven't tried nirvana. They also have descriptions and often state if they are outdoor. You could also try the outdoor sub forum for possible strains.