First time, strange spots, please help!!!


The plant is around 10 days old, I am using Sylvania GroLux 400W light, the temperature is mostly between 27 and 31 degrees Celsius, humidity 35-40. When I first started I had problems with temperature(hot summer days and inadequate ventilation) which was around 34, 35 degrees. I installed another fan and anyway upgraded the entire ventilation system and it seems fine for now. I am just wondering if those spots are related to that heat period which lasted for couple of days. Also some of the leaves started to close and roll upward in a V shape. When I fixed the ventilation and transplanted the plants in bigger pots and watered them, they immediately started to look better, the leaves started to open and so on...but I started noticing those spots on one of the plants and also a tiny yellowish spots on another one..The leaves on one of them are drooping down a bit but I think that is because I over watered the plant..correct me if I am wrong, please...It's my first grow and my head is full of various information from all around...i kinda got lost :)


slight nutrient burn my friend, do not worry about it, but relax on nutes, if your not feeding any nutes then its your soil, you need to change it or try and flush it out with some clean water, it looks okay so i wouldnt worry to much but cut down on the solution, hope this helps :peace:


Thanks...but I am not using any nutrients, it is just regular soil which I bought in a flushing you mean water plenty and let it drip down?


I've done that and it seems the plant is fine...I was only afraid that too much water will suffocate her. grew almost 1 cm during the night :) ...also I got another suggestion that my pH could be too high causing nutrient lockout or something think that's the case? I don't heave any means of checking the pH but will get some paper meters soon...just to see


it could be the case, from the look of it it looks more like burn than deficiany, but you are right it could be some type of lockout, what is your ph


pH of my water is between 7 and 7.5...i don't know for the soul yet because i am using paper tester and from what i've read i need distilled water to mix it with soil and then check the mixture...i need to get some distilled water from the shop....but since i haven't put any nutrients in the soil and my water pH is ok(maybe i should lower it to 6.5??) ..i guess the soil should be between 6.5 and 7.2(that's what is says on the bag)..


Well the plant is doing fine it seems....i started watering more frequently...every 4-5 days...when do you guys water? you just stick your finger in the soil and check or just water every couple of days no matter what..?!? .and they are all doing better...let's see what happens...I will start giving them nutes's been around 20 days since i transplanted them..