First time Super Cropping, Am I doing it right? (4x Tangerine Dreams, 6wks from seed)


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

I have 4x Tangerine dreams, popped on Jan1st have been vegging since.

All have been topped, but two of them are a bit stretchier then the other two so i decided to super crop them.

Am i doing the whole supercrop thing right?



Well-Known Member
no the point of super cropping is not to be bent and tied down JUST BENT you did the bending part right but the tied down part is LST the point of supper cropping is to bend them like you did and than let them recover over time natrually not tied down looks very good though bro


Active Member
ya what grower001 said. When I do that to my babes I just squeeze them a bit until they 'pop' and once they heal it'll develop a ball like calluse where the damage occured. what you did looks more like LST too me. But they do all look very nice.


Active Member
ya what grower001 said. When I do that to my babes I just squeeze them a bit until they 'pop' and once they heal it'll develop a ball like calluse where the damage occured. what you did looks more like LST too me. But they do all look very nice.
best way to describe super cropping hands down


bud bootlegger
best way to describe super cropping hands down
agreed.. i don't have much in the way of nails, but i try and use what nails i do have and pinch the plant between my thumb and pointer finger till i feel that popping, and than gently bend her over where she falls.. usually recovers in under 24 hours or so as well..