First time taking flowering clones. Need some advice.


Active Member
Hello! I decided to ditch my mothers in favor of taking cuttings from my plants in flower. I run a scrog so it seemed like the intelligent thing to do since I throw away tons of cuttings when I prune under the screen. The cutting were taken 12 days into flowering and rooted in a bubble cloner. They rooter super fast and had amazing root mass. I transplanted them after 10 days into small containers with coco coir, same medium I veg and flower in. Each container was flushed with 5.8 PH water and then the rooted clones where planted. Some of the clones already have roots busting out the bottom while a few are looking very droopy with yellow leaves. One as brown spots on the yellow leaves and one kicked the bucket on me nearly over night. Strain is bubbilicious. Ten humidity is 70% with a 2ft 4bulb HO t5 fixture for lighting. Im not sure if they are hungry or if I possible didnt flush the coco well enough and have some salt in it causing a burn. Basically I could use some advice lol. Thanks a ton in advance. 1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg


Well-Known Member
ugly bunch of clones. The plants you took them from ,also ugly and unhealthy giving you the issues you have now.


Well-Known Member
they need food give them a little if the have good root system coco dont have shit in it 1/4 strengh should be ok at first


Active Member
Thanks for the advice bseeds. Thanks for the un-constructive critique BUDS. I will try a light feeding.
Yes i agree with bseeds. Give them a lite feeding. When i ran coco b4 the transplant i would flush the coco with light Ph'd nutes. As for the drooping u can put a two liter bottom or any clear deep container to hold in sum humidity. This will help significantly


Active Member
I gave them a light feeding. 1/2TSP of FF Big Bloom and a 1/2TSP of CalMag per gallon PH 5.8 EC 0.8. Also threw a humidity dome on. Still looking bad. Im really starting to wonder if hardwater may be an issue. My tap water is 0.5 EC. Ive been struggling big time with Coco and I am anal about everything. Practice makes perfect I guess..... Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
Feed, feed, feed!!! They'll be fine if you give them some nutes. If they have roots, don't put a humidity dome on them, no need. I take flowering clones all the time. Once they have roots they need food.


Active Member
Hotrodharley and somebody what would you recomend I feed with? Im using the foxfarm lineup. There feeding chart says to use big bloom....Thanks again for the replies!


Active Member
All of the cuttings have perked up and are looking great except the ones that were further along in flowering. They dont look worse but not better either. Its like the are stuck!


Active Member
All of the clones but two are producing new growth nicely. Problem now is that they are still flowering even though the lights is 24/0. They are forming pistils and showing trichs as well. A few are showing signs of a def (N?) but I am afraid to adjust ratio because I feel it could be a result of quasi-flowering.

The research I did turned up that these might be pre-flowers sincce the clones where cut from mature plants. I don't know how I feel about that scenario since they are not only showing pre-flowers but trichs. Thanks for all the help RIU!


Medium- Coco
Strain- SS and Bubilicious
Ferts- 3tsp Big Bloom, 1.5 grow big, 1 Cal-mag. EC- 1.1 PH-6.0
Light-4 tube 2ft T5HO