The first time I took LSD:
Date: 25th Decemberr 1995
Dosage: 1 hit at 110 ug (I know the chemist and he's reliable, he's still my supplier to this day).
Set & Setting: Already euphoric because it was the last day of secondary school, age 16 (we're from England). With my one true best friend, the only one who understands me to this day, so I was in good company. He was sober and aware that I was going to take LSD so there was no secrecy. We went to a park near the school, then to a shopping centre.
Visuals: Clear and detailed version of reality; I was quite surprised that the stereotypical 'seeing fairies flying around' didn't happen as misrepresented in the media, although objects in reality had been distorted. Walls literally had ears, which could have been a delusion manifesting into a slight hallucination.
Mind: During the comeup, around 30 minutes after dosing, I felt my consciousness being elevated, like LSD was the key that unlocked the gateway to a higher state of consciousness. I started laughing uncontrollably at the most benign things; my friend had a single hair sticking up and I ended up in hysterical laughter for about 2 minutes. Throughout the whole trip I felt like a child again; my innocence had been restored and as a result I started to think positively about everything. I only felt a passing cloud of anxiety during the initial phase of the comeup, probably due to not expecting the strange bodily sensations.
That was the best description I could use for my first LSD experience, but words cannot justify the intense experience of this magical substance. Please share your first time experiences here for others to see!
Date: 25th Decemberr 1995
Dosage: 1 hit at 110 ug (I know the chemist and he's reliable, he's still my supplier to this day).
Set & Setting: Already euphoric because it was the last day of secondary school, age 16 (we're from England). With my one true best friend, the only one who understands me to this day, so I was in good company. He was sober and aware that I was going to take LSD so there was no secrecy. We went to a park near the school, then to a shopping centre.
Visuals: Clear and detailed version of reality; I was quite surprised that the stereotypical 'seeing fairies flying around' didn't happen as misrepresented in the media, although objects in reality had been distorted. Walls literally had ears, which could have been a delusion manifesting into a slight hallucination.
Mind: During the comeup, around 30 minutes after dosing, I felt my consciousness being elevated, like LSD was the key that unlocked the gateway to a higher state of consciousness. I started laughing uncontrollably at the most benign things; my friend had a single hair sticking up and I ended up in hysterical laughter for about 2 minutes. Throughout the whole trip I felt like a child again; my innocence had been restored and as a result I started to think positively about everything. I only felt a passing cloud of anxiety during the initial phase of the comeup, probably due to not expecting the strange bodily sensations.
That was the best description I could use for my first LSD experience, but words cannot justify the intense experience of this magical substance. Please share your first time experiences here for others to see!