First time: Tips appreciated!


Active Member
My first grow:
Seeds have been selected from a bag of 150ish random seeds. Seeds were selected by plumpness and color. Of the 8 seeds selected, 7 sprouted.(Bad way to get seeds) The seedlings were left a bit long in there petri dish and grew to between 2 and 4 inches.
All seeds were places into moisture control soil in individual cups.

The plants are now between 3 and 6 inches with four tiny leaves starting to come out. One of the plants, being an exception has managed to keep growing while it still has the seed pod stuck to its top with no leaves.(late bloomer?)

The lighting for the plants is minimal due to the fact that I am in a dorm room. the lighting will change to a 4 clf setup producing 900 watts. This new lighting will start on day 4 or 5 due to lack of cash for the setup. (Im buying it used from a friend who has used this setup successfully many times.)

Does anyone know how to tell if your plant is going to be decent or not during the early stages of growth? Since I picked random seeds, I'm not sure how well these plants will turn out. Also, any suggestions of a reliable place to get seeds from?


Active Member
My bad on the lighting situation. I was using a setup of 3, 15 watt cfl's until yesterday. Now, today i an switching to my real light set up. I have a 3 light set up with reflector which puts out a total of 315 watts. There are two for the veg stage and one full spectrum in the middle. I also have the two 105 watt bulbs for the flowering stage. I think i'm set on lighting. If my plants get big enough to hide the bottom flowers from the light then i will use the small 15 watt cfl's I have to help support the low growth. Any one think that the little lights are a bad idea?