first time top


its bad that i topped my plants at age of 25days old?they build as i see 6 nodes/so 3-4 real nodes and i top them 27 days after seeding.dont answer me that depends of ur space and this stuff i really want to know if i damage my plants health by that.thank you and peace.


Well-Known Member
i do believe uncle ben talks about even topping them below the 3rd node
to get 2 main colas, your fine bro, just sit back and let her rec over


never feed them again.tommorow i will get b-52 and sensi grow A&B.should i feed them or its no right a day after topping?if yes should i mix b-52 AND sensi grow A&B or its too much for them?


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben's topping guide says to wait until the plant is 5-6 nodes high, then top to right above the second real node for four main colas. I've used this technique myself, and when I first did it I was terrified I had murdered my plants. But I did it right, and they flourishes with four main colas.

I only topped once, though. Other people top multiple times. You gotta figure out what works best with the strain you're growing.