New Member
Whe I was young from like 13 to 25 I grew weed outside and made pil from it because it was always bunk, where I live in Canada it's just not a good place to grow outdoor. Anyway fast forward 10 years and I'm trying to grow decent weed indoors. Anyway my buddy got 2 me to clone of what he called expert level weed which is not anywhere near where I'm st lol. Anway I just got them budding and they are at 12 and 12. The plants were gifts and without redesigning my house and spending a fuck load of money I cant prevent very small amount of sunlight to get it in parts on the morning. Anyway it has started to bud buy will this very smell amount of light reaching it about 2 hours before I turn my lights on affect its growing. Ex: It going back to a veg state because of the small amount of extra light? Thanks dudes sorry if I ranted and this is a common question already answered on here. If so well I'm new and just wanted to ask it rather than look because I got esy too much shit to do every day lol ao a nice answer that takes me seconds to read or mins is better for me