Soooo. Transplanting today. Still looking for some opinions on mushroom compost, or other recommendations for soil.
Once the flowering starts, no more topping. I think too much fish juice will just flat-out burn the leaves. Sounds like a deficiency. Superthrive is for emergeny 911 use. Like an IV in the arm. Use it carefully. Does your soil have the trace minerals that it needs? I use Greensand & Epson Salt to supply these needed addatives. Watch them black pots, they are little ovens. Double pot to help the roots from cooking.
Hey young...I'm down on the east end of the gorge...I'd say at this point be careful with whatever you use. You can spent a ton on them and at this point in the season the benefits might not be worth the cost. "IF" you want to keep the N up a little while getting the phosphorus to the plant for flowering, you could get some Alaska Fish Fert (5-1-1) and FF Tiger Bloom Blossom Builder (2-8-4) and don't use full strength of either..Your plants are pretty small and will shows signs of over fertilization pretty quick.
You could get by with the smalled pint sized Alaska for about 6 bucks at HomeDepot and 20 bucks for the Tiger Bloom. Those two should see you through harvest.
Be careful with the fish emulsion if you are growing outdoors!! When I used it, that stuff attraced critters - Raccoons & oppossum. They proceeded to dig up several of my ladies. Those pests love fish and they can smell it a long way away.
Good luck!