First time using nutrients. Please help!!


Hello guys, I'm new to growing and have a couple of questions. I'm growing indicas in a 2x3 grow box and they are going on 4 weeks old now. I'm using 2 75watt soft white light bulbs and 2 pc fans to keep them cool and to keep air circulating. The plants are in half gallon containers with Miracle Grow potting soil. One of my plants has been getting yellowing on the edges and from research I've done it's because I don't have nutrients going on them. I been giving them Just rain water and I guess they been getting a little nuts from the soil. I bought some plant food that has 6-7-8 NPK. My question is; How do I use the nuts? How do I mix? Do I mix it in the water? Do I give them the mix everyday? how exactly do I go about this? Please help!!!!



Well-Known Member
MG soil has nutes in it. You could be burning your plants, as the more you water, the more the nutes are released within the soil. Whats pH look like??? Try checking that first, and watering a bit less before you go ahead and put more nutrients in. I have heard of people not using nutes until they were in flowering with MG soil.

Just doesn't seem like the right scenario to be tossing nutes in without trying the simpler solutions first.