First time using Silica

De earth takes to long to break down to be of use unless you are re using your soil.

Silica dixoide can not be used or is of no use using with dicot plants which is what we are growing.
Make sure to add silica to the water first as it will not form a solution with water already high in tds. If your suplimenting with ca/mg add it second then base nutes then any other stuff.

You can get soluble silica derived from silica dioxide that is intended for use in the hydroponics and can be used by plants including cannabis. Regardless, I've used silica in the past but won't be using it again because it's not needed. The less stuff you dump on your plants the better and unnecessary stuff like silica is just another money grab by marketing/nutrient companies with their fancy bottles and shiny labels.
You can get soluble silica derived from silica dioxide that is intended for use in the hydroponics and can be used by plants including cannabis. Regardless, I've used silica in the past but won't be using it again because it's not needed. The less stuff you dump on your plants the better and unnecessary stuff like silica is just another money grab by marketing/nutrient companies with their fancy bottles and shiny labels.
Ill take your word for it but just because its made for hydro and water soluable dosnt mean that a dicot can use it.
Would you mind expanding on why this is the case?

If you don't and that includes mixing before the addition of the SI.
The two react, chemically and form a precipitate. This renders both "useless".... Sometimes, you don't really "see" it well but, it does to some point....

I don't consider the act of pHing as any type of supplementation. IT, is always the "last" thing you do before watering....

Most soil growing, doesn't really need pHing anyway....

ALWAYS check pH with Si use.
You can get soluble silica derived from silica dioxide that is intended for use in the hydroponics and can be used by plants including cannabis. Regardless, I've used silica in the past but won't be using it again because it's not needed. The less stuff you dump on your plants the better and unnecessary stuff like silica is just another money grab by marketing/nutrient companies with their fancy bottles and shiny labels.

So correct, and any form of Si used in growing...

Like I said, "Plants get ALL they CAN USE from the soil they are in." Using more is a WASTE of money and you've been sold a bill of goods...

For shits and giggles...Ran it in a soil grown Bruce Banner plant(s)...They have rather weak stem's and break too often from weight (if you don't support them EARLY enough)..

The Si did NOT increase the stem strength or cure any part of that strains (my pheno anyway) weak stem problem.....Just had to try, even though I knew better....

Hell, you want a real laugh....AN use's it in a trich increasing formula, under the grounds that it "irritates" the plant into producing more trichomes... BS.

Big Mike irritates me but, that don't stiffen my trichome...Now his "ex" old lady...Her scent works by it's self...
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Silicon is the second most common element on the planet. You don't need any additional. Silica is silicon dioxide. People claim to see "Fantastic" results. I call it the "Placebo" effect.

If you really want to use it then save yourself a ton of money and just buy some water soluble potassium silicate for $20 a pound. That bottled stuff is a complete rip off like most nutrient additives some idiot salesman on youtube is pushing. It's not hard to add water and make a solution yourself for pennies. $20 and you can make hundreds of gallons.

How much of this powder would you add per gallon typically?
Lol @ plants get all they need from soil. It’s true enough if you’re digging dirt from the ground but most of us indoor guys “soil” is peat and perlite. Gotta at least add some diatomaceous earth or something otherwise bitches floppy.
Man, i remember my first time. . ..i was so nervous, shit was all limp, could barely get it up. I had to tie it to a string just to keep it erect. Now my shit's as stiff as a redwood board :lol: :lol: :lol:
Usually it goes Silica > Base nutrients > CalMag+.
Add the silica per recommendation and understand it raises your nutrient pH Solution. Try staying in the 5.6-6.2 range with those nutrients.